Thursday 27 April 2023

eXtra Points that an endometriosis patient must bear in mind #ENDOCHAMPIONS


Will you believe me if I tell you The diagnostic delay of endometriosis averages between seven to nine years globally? Yes, these are the figures stated in the work published here and I am not surprised because I myself took a decade to know that I have endometriosis, well the reasons were multiple. Period pain is considered, no matter how severe it is, very normal in our society, and even my how had it so I thought I just have to live with it. Later about seven to eight doctors withdrew my request by Judy saying that it is nothing or asking me to plan a second kid or just keep popping OCPs.

But this caused me a lifetime of pain and my disease aggravated to a very advanced stage. 

So the extra yet most important point I want every girl and every woman to always remember is never to take your periods' pain normally if it is disrupting your normal life. The earlier you get the disease diagnosed, the more your chances of living disease free for the rest of your life. 

It also affects our fertility so it is extremely vital that even if the doctor isn’t asking you request her or him to get your ultrasound done to check the endometrial thickness and correlate the symptoms appropriately.

Point number two remember don’t jump on hormonal treatment straight away, the cost you pay is huge in terms of permanent side effects to your body.

Try alternate medicine like Ayurveda or homeopathy first.

Always keep surgeries as your last resort. My personal experience says that our body ages by ten years post every surgery, I have had three major ones and I know the trauma and the cost I am paying today. 

Never forget an alternate medicine that is perfect for someone else may not suit you and you will have to try different combinations before giving up because every patient has their own symptoms and body type, hence with alternate medicine be patient. 

Also, support your alternate medication with a very healthy lifestyle, move, walk, laugh, enrich yourself, and eat right and the combination shall heal you like nothing else. 

Most importantly please steer clear of all the people around you who cast negative energies on you. It only increases our stress and stress is known to aggravate our disease severalfold. Instead be in the company of people who love you and may try to help someone, the joy, and contentment you get by simply listening and helping someone in need shall not only help you heal better but also enrich you in several ways. Trust me these extra points are worth reminding ourselves again n again.


You too can become an #ENDOCHAMPION and help us spread awareness about this whole body inflammation by sharing our posts and connecting with anyone in need. Trust me together we can make a big difference because this disease and its ignorance can be really harsh and as a patient, I myself have contemplated suicide several times and would like to save many others from the agony. You can join the support group by clicking here: Endometriosis Awareness and Support Group India

If not anything else just by letting them share their pain with us, we can soothe them. I will be grateful for any support from you on this. You can read my EndoJourney here: 

A Tribute to an Endometriosis Warrior on a Mission

During April, I will pen several eye-opening posts about this disease. Kindly keep sharing them so that more and more people become aware of the available solutions for this otherwise nontreatable condition.

You can read the previous posts of this series below:

A: An earnest endeavor: Launch of Endometriosis Awareness and Support Group India

B: Be Alert: What is endometriosis and important FAQs on it

C: Can Endometriosis be cured? Comparison of Allopathy Vs Homeopathy Vs Ayurveda Treatments Available

D: Detailed Diagnosis of Endometriosis in India

E: Endometriosis treatment cost in India

F: Fertility Issues Due to Endometriosis in India

G: Good news is Ayurveda treats endometriosis completely

H: Hysterectomy as a Treatment for Endometriosis

I: Involvement of a Family Member in an Endometriosis Patient’s Life is Vital

J: Joint Pain In Endometriosis

K: Knowledge of the Do’s and Don’ts of endometriosis

L: List of Home Remedies in Endometriosis

M: Menopause helps in relieving Endometriosis- Truth or Myth? 

N: Note that every endometriosis patient is at risk for Adenomyosis

O: One must be aware of the Side Effects of Endometriosis Medication 

P: Power to defeat the disease lies in our subconscious

Q: Quickly evaluating if Stress is the Cause or the Result of Endometriosis

R: Researches on Endometriosis

S: Sleep Disruption and Fatigue in Endometriosis

T: Tried and Tested Endometriosis Management Plan

U: Ultimate Endometriosis Management Plan continued 

V: Very important is Happiness in an Endometriosis patient’s life

W: Weight gain and Endometriosis

Hi everyone, thanks for dropping by, this is my eighth consecutive #BlogchatterA2Z and global #AtoZchallenge, and this year I am penning about Endometriosis. I will so look forward to your feedback, please do let me know how you are finding it, in all earnestly. In case you wish to check out what I wrote in the last 5 challenges here are the links for 201620172018 201920202021, and 2022.

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