Saturday, 8 April 2023

Hysterectomy as a Treatment for Endometriosis #ENDOCHAMPIONS


In the last two days, I have received one call per day from patients in dilemma on hysterectomy. For most reproductive organs-related diseases, once they aggravate, uterus removal known as hysterectomy is advised as the most conducive solution. 

I am analyzing this today from the patient's point of view as I have been there on several occasions besides hearing all the women I get associated with because of the cause I am championing. 

I have been advised uterus removal(hysterectomy) along with ovaries(oophorectomy) removal and fallopian tubes(salpingectomy) removal, all of them or in different combinations but researchers prove that while many get comfort from them, in several cases the lingering pain refuses to go. 

This is because the endometriosis tissues can grow all over the body in different organs including our brain and no matter how well the surgery went, the lesions remain.

 Further, most researches reveal that only hysterectomy without ovaries removal increases the chances of re-operation. 

Anyways, if we remove any organ of the body we are disrupting the equilibrium of a perfectly fictional well-balanced body and there are other problems that may set in due to the disruption. 

Our age and whether we want to conceive in the future are also determining factors when we must undergo a hysterectomy or not.

The point is we must decide this with a lot of caution, taking multiple opinions from the experts and accepting surgery only as a last resort. If you do, ensure your uterus and ovaries are both removed to save you from the agonies of surgery again in the future. 

Better still try alternate medicines with utmost sincerity to avert surgeries as much as possible because hysterectomy with or without oophorectomy does not guarantee your symptoms will be gone.


You too can become an #ENDOCHAMPION and help us spread awareness about this whole body inflammation by sharing our posts and connecting with anyone in need. Trust me together we can make a big difference because this disease and its ignorance can be really harsh and as a patient, I myself have contemplated suicide several times and would like to save many others from the agony. You can join the support group by clicking here: Endometriosis Awareness and Support Group India

If not anything else just by letting them share their pain with us, we can soothe them. I will be grateful for any support from you on this. You can read my EndoJourney here: 

A Tribute to an Endometriosis Warrior on a Mission

During April, I will pen several eye-opening posts about this disease. Kindly keep sharing them so that more and more people become aware of the available solutions for this otherwise non treatable condition.

You can read the previous posts of this series below:

A: An earnest endeavor: Launch of Endometriosis Awareness and Support Group India

B: Be Alert: What is endometriosis and important FAQs on it

C: Can Endometriosis be cured? Comparison of Allopathy Vs Homeopathy Vs Ayurveda Treatments Available

D: Detailed Diagnosis of Endometriosis in India

E: Endometriosis treatment cost in India

F: Fertility Issues Due to Endometriosis in India

G: Good news is Ayurveda treats endometriosis completely

Hi everyone, thanks for dropping by, this is my eighth consecutive #BlogchatterA2Z and global #AtoZchallenge, and this year I am penning about Endometriosis. I will so look forward to your feedback, please do let me know how you are finding it, in all earnestly. In case you wish to check out what I wrote in the last 5 challenges here are the links for 201620172018 201920202021, and 2022.

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