Tuesday, 18 April 2023

Power to defeat the disease lies in our subconscious #ENDOCHAMPIONS


Today I want to share with you about the self-help therapy which has helped me the most in my endometriosis journey and I have only developed it in recent years. I believe a lot in the power of prayers and am filled with immense gratitude to the Almighty for giving me all that I have and making me what I have become today. 

Along with alternate medicines, manifesting that I have totally healed of my chronic sickness each day for long hours has amazingly worked for me in the last two years. 

In my earlier posts, I had already spoken to you about my decade-long painful battle with allopathic medicines and surgeries and how Ayurveda seems a worthy step in the right direction. In this post, I talk about how the power to defeat the disease lies in our subconscious. 

It is scientifically proven that our subconscious mind believes whatever our conscious mind tells it as it does not have the power to differentiate between the truth and the lie. Unfortunately, most of us don’t know this fact. Thus if we keep repeating in our conscious brain that we are absolutely healthy for days and weeks and months our subconscious will be thoroughly convinced that this is the truth and it will give signals to the organs that they are healed and get healthy and this is how we can tap the power of the subconscious in our favor.

But nothing should shake your faith because our subconscious will sense it. I have seen a number of people talking about manifesting these days but the real techniques to manifest are very scientific and need to be studied thoroughly before one can actually reap the benefits. 

I meditate three times a day, early morn, noon, and sleep time and that is the time I manifest good health deeply so that it sinks into my subconscious and my soul believes in it and lived it. I have to be very watchful the whole day too that I don’t contradict my belief by saying the contrary as that may confuse my subconscious brain. 

Earlier I feared a lot. I thought by eating 90% of the foodstuff my debilitating endo pain shall return so I gave up everything I loved. The fears got manifested and my symptoms and stomach ache would still worsen. But now I eat everything in moderation but while cooking it I say it is my Sai's prasad to it and it will surely heal me. 

Lately, I have also heard that one must play bhajans in the kitchen while cooking because then every morsel we cook is enriched as Prasadam and it heals us. All this is so wonderful and magical, isn't it?

It is so much a matter of self-belief too. If you believe you will recover no matter how adverse the circumstances are, you will surely get better in due course of time, this self-help therapy has helped me the most and I will really like you to give it a try but do study the techniques at length first or connect with me, I will love to guide you.


You too can become an #ENDOCHAMPION and help us spread awareness about this whole body inflammation by sharing our posts and connecting with anyone in need. Trust me together we can make a big difference because this disease and its ignorance can be really harsh and as a patient, I myself have contemplated suicide several times and would like to save many others from the agony. You can join the support group by clicking here: Endometriosis Awareness and Support Group India

If not anything else just by letting them share their pain with us, we can soothe them. I will be grateful for any support from you on this. You can read my EndoJourney here: 

A Tribute to an Endometriosis Warrior on a Mission

During April, I will pen several eye-opening posts about this disease. Kindly keep sharing them so that more and more people become aware of the available solutions for this otherwise nontreatable condition.

You can read the previous posts of this series below:

A: An earnest endeavor: Launch of Endometriosis Awareness and Support Group India

B: Be Alert: What is endometriosis and important FAQs on it

C: Can Endometriosis be cured? Comparison of Allopathy Vs Homeopathy Vs Ayurveda Treatments Available

D: Detailed Diagnosis of Endometriosis in India

E: Endometriosis treatment cost in India

F: Fertility Issues Due to Endometriosis in India

G: Good news is Ayurveda treats endometriosis completely

H: Hysterectomy as a Treatment for Endometriosis

I: Involvement of a Family Member in an Endometriosis Patient’s Life is Vital

J: Joint Pain In Endometriosis

K: Knowledge of the Do’s and Don’ts of endometriosis

L: List of Home Remedies in Endometriosis

M: Menopause helps in relieving Endometriosis- Truth or Myth? 

N: Note that every endometriosis patient is at risk for Adenomyosis

O: One must be aware of the Side Effects of Endometriosis Medication 

Hi everyone, thanks for dropping by, this is my eighth consecutive #BlogchatterA2Z and global #AtoZchallenge, and this year I am penning about Endometriosis. I will so look forward to your feedback, please do let me know how you are finding it, in all earnestly. In case you wish to check out what I wrote in the last 5 challenges here are the links for 201620172018 201920202021, and 2022.


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