Monday, 29 April 2019

Zeal to soar to the Zenith will make you sail through the Roughest Seas #WomenEmpowerment #BlogchatterA2Z

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Women Empowerment

Life of a working mom is more difficult than anyone can ever perceive. I can tell you this from my own personal experience when I was in Sweden for work and saw my seven month old’s nose bleeding due to a terrible fall on a webcam at midnight in India, I can’t explain what mental trauma I underwent. 

In such a situation, no matter how strong a professional you are, a mom’s heart takes over and you want to fly back to him with the next flight. But that’s not at all practically feasible at times. You have responsibilities in your organization which too can’t be abandoned.

Anamika has been in similar turmoil. When she accepted a one-year assignment in Switzerland she thought she will be able to take her 4-year-old munchkin with her too. She had this extreme zeal to kiss the zenith of success in her work life and she had worked hard and planned ardently for it. This was the reason when she was chosen out of so many to go for a special overseas assignment, she was extremely ecstatic about it. She has presumed that she will be able to take her son Aadi with her and her husband too can join them during his offseason in business. 

However, things were destined differently. While she left for Munich, to be joined later by her family, for some reason both her husband and son were denied their visas despite repeated requests. 

While professionally she felt satiated, as months passed, she felt torn and the longing for her little precious who had not separated from her even for one night before multiplied. Her dilemma took over the better of her and she started contemplating giving up the assignment to come back to India.

This is when her family came out to her support in full. While Ram her husband promised her that she will make her do a video chat with her sonny each day no matter they will have to adjust the two different time zones and the little kiddos schedule, her parents and her in-laws both travelled to her home alternately for one and half months each to make her rest assured that she can sail through the last three months of her project smoothly. So much love and support made her ride over the rough tides of time smoothly and complete her project with flying colors.

Soon she came back and reunited with her family forever. So all I wish to say is behind every empowered woman is a wonderfully supportive family too. How about supporting the women in your family to fulfill their dreams? Your support means the world to her.

With this, I end the Women Empowerment Series. Thank you for being with me in this soul satiating journey of bringing out inspirational tales of 26 empowered women to you. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.
This is the twenty-sixth post for my 4th consecutive Global #AtoZChallenge and #BlogchatterA2Z. You can read my earlier post in this Women Empowerment Series here: ABCDEFGHIJKLMN,O,P,Q,R,S,TU,V,W,X,
Truly Yours Roma

Copyright © 2014-2019 by Roma Gupta Sinha
All rights reserved. This article or any portion thereof
may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever
without the express written permission of the author

If you like what I write, you can grab a copy of my 3 published books here The Fragrance of True LoveDestiny's Favorite Child and Dare to Defy The Destiny

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