Monday, 15 April 2019

Never keep things buried in your heart, be your own voice #WomenEmpowerment #BlogchatterA2Z

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women empowerment

Depression is something which has embezzled me like nothing else has ever done. I have seen the strongest ones falling prey to it and at a time when one could expect it the least. Well, I am not a doctor but I know it is painful not only for the person who bears it but also for the family members who see her/him getting caught in the vicious trap.

Radha is one of my most dearest childhood friends. We have been in the same school for 3 years after which we have lived in separate cities but always remained connected through letters and phones. While I was an emotional girl, she was the balanced and practical one who always tried to build in reason and logic in our prolonged conversations.

After almost two decades destiny brought us together to live in the same city and we met after 18 long years. Her daughter was elder than my son so I took a lot of advice from her on parenting as well as in general and she ensured and gave me nothing short of the best. Whether or not I accepted them, was a different ball game altogether because I too am a very opinionated person9grin but she surely added value to my perspective.

When I gave up my career to embrace my passion and started my academy she also joined her father-in-law's financial consultancy firm. Both of us got engrossed in our work and gradually our conversations became very very rare. In between her son was born and she kept really busy and I too preferred not to disturb her. 

I still have this habit of checking on my friends, just drop a hello or ask if they need something.  There is rarely a chance of anyone getting angry as I almost never lose patience or offend anyone. But this girl she kept disconnecting my calls for months altogether and if rarely she picked she told me she will call back. Sensing something isn’t correct,  I kept sending messages to her that I want to meet her which she kept mutely reading. I felt helpless until one day she called back. 

She told me that she had been grappling severe depression and therefore has shut down herself from the world. To me, it came as a shock because she was the last person I could have imagined to have a mental ailment. Blessed with an understanding husband, two lovely children as well as doing good in professional front, it was difficult to imagine what could have put her down. But the fact is there can be n number of reasons for it.

All they need is the awareness, of the immediate family members and friends to help them get medical intervention at the earliest. She was lucky she got the right aid on time and her condition is now in control with proper medication. 

It made me think, if this could happen to her then it can to anybody. We women often keep our deepest thoughts forever suppressed in our heart which can take a toll on our mental and physical health and we may get ailments for life which again we will keep to ourselves and perish silently.

It’s time we wake up and come out of this everyone else, not me zone. It’s time we don’t keep it all hidden in our heart and get up and become our own voice. It is our very first step towards our empowerment, financial or any other form of independence will loose it's meaning if we don't have a sound mental health, so please get rid of all the baggage immediately and live a happy, cheerful life. Never keep things buried in your heart, be your own voice!

This is my fourteenth post for my 4th consecutive Global #AtoZChallenge and #BlogchatterA2Z. You can read my earlier post in this Women Empowerment Series here: ABCDEFGHIJKL, M

Truly Yours Roma

Copyright © 2014-2019 by Roma Gupta Sinha

All rights reserved. This article or any portion thereof
may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever
without the express written permission of the author

If you relate to my writings, you can grab a copy of any of my 3 published books here The Fragrance of True LoveDestiny's Favorite Child and Dare to Defy The Destiny

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