We live in an educated world and are aware that Women Empowerment cannot only be brought about by special laws, reservations and radical work by self-help groups, what it needs is a contribution from all of us at the bottom line level. Like I have said in my earlier posts, for me, most importantly, women empowerment should begin at our home firsts and if we just do this much and encourage and empower each woman in our family to be independent, trust me, we are doing a fab job. I need to spell this out clearly here, that I meet quite a few women who say that they have reached where they are today thanks to the vision and support of their husbands. I deeply appreciate such men and want more and more to get into their shoes and aid their wives, their daughters carve out a niche for themselves in whichever field they choose and make you proud.
Aradhya (name changed) is a girl next door from a small town in Madhya Pradesh. She and her sisters were raised by their parents with a lot of love. They were given freedom and a good education. Aradhya didn’t have big dreams and just wanted to have a good married life and children but her marriage to Sunil changed her perspective. Her spouse was a visionary, he kept inspiring her to take up a profession of her choice. Aradhya loved his thoughts but could not decide until her daughter was born. Soon it became clear that she loved kids and so she did the Montessori course and taught in a school for a couple of years, to amass the desired experience. Despite being from the lower middle class, Sunil soon helped her acquire a franchisee of a Preschool where Aradhya soon shone like a diamond due to her hard work and vehement support of her husband.
There was just one problem but it kept crushing her confidence, as she hailed from a small town, Aradhya lacked good communication skills and an overall impressive personality. That’s how I met her and was surprised to see that her husband has brought her for admission to my academy. It took her about 6 months to overcome her hurdles and today she is the proud principal of a preschool which boasts of 150 kids and is soon planning to expand her school till 5th grade.
What I intend to say is support of a spouse can cause a catalytic reaction in enabling a woman fulfill her dreams or even weave new dreams. Be that ray of hope for her and see her work wonders. Centuries of oppression has suppressed women’s desires too deep within her heart which may be, due to inertia, don’t surface. A spouse’s or a family member’s love and encouragement can bring her dormant dreams and passion to life and then only sky is the limit for her. Will you be her ray of hope?
This is my third post for my 4th consecutive Global #AtoZChallenge and #BlogchatterA2Z. You can read my earlier post in this Women Empowerment Series here: A, B
If you relate to my writings, you can grab a copy of any of my 3 published books here The Fragrance of True Love, Destiny's Favorite Child and Dare to Defy The Destiny
This is my third post for my 4th consecutive Global #AtoZChallenge and #BlogchatterA2Z. You can read my earlier post in this Women Empowerment Series here: A, B
Also, sharing here my 'A' Posts for #AtoZChallenge of 2016, 2017, 2018 with you all, in case you will like to read them :)
Copyright © 2014-2019 by Roma Gupta Sinha
All rights reserved. This article or any portion thereof
may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever
without the express written permission of the author
If you relate to my writings, you can grab a copy of any of my 3 published books here The Fragrance of True Love, Destiny's Favorite Child and Dare to Defy The Destiny
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