Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Dreams, the biggest Super Power of Humans #WomenEmpowerment

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women empowerment

Rimjhim(name changed) is my yoga buddy. For my first class, she walked up to me and introduced herself as my neighbor. After some sessions she left yoga, I am not in the habit of judging or poking anyone, so I just let it be. We often met in the lift and engaged in friendly banter. Once she expressed her desire to enroll with me which I didn’t take seriously realizing how fickle minded she was but to my surprise she time she was damn serious and I was happy that I can help her.

I was right in presuming that she was badly struggling with a midlife crisis which most educated women face post marriage and children. Their once happily giving up their career, starts pinching them like their gravest crimes, once the kids begin to grow up. They experience a void and start looking for a meaning in their existence. 

She told me that she is a B.Ed but has very less job experience. So she needed some training to crack the interviews. So we began but I never felt that she was feeling happy in doing all this. She minced words and had a recessive personality. I pestered her to speak up and finally, she broke her silence. She told me that she has a long cherished dream and our close discussion for the past weeks have kind of inspired her to believe that if there was a right time, it is now.... Hailing from a traditional town of Rajasthan she has a great understanding of natural products and can make 100% genuine beautiful organic beauty solutions made artistically at home. Her knowledge was wide but that’s all she knew. A desire to become an entrepreneur and launch her own natural beauty products in the market was strongly dwelling in her heart for years now but she was nervous.

That night I kept thinking there would have been so many women around who have such beautiful dreams but they are forever buried in their hearts because of the women-suppressing demeanor of the society. I have always believed that dreams are the superpowers only humans have and this is what happens to the dreams of half of humanity.

Well, I asked Rimhjim to make samples to be doubly sure it wasn't out of nowhere and she surprised me by making an entire range of natural Ayurvedic beauty products. We did the costing and to test waters gently slipped her advertisements in all Whatsapp groups. The initial response was good and she even got customized orders. Soon she launched her brand and her products became available on the local shops, all this with no support from her family.

Today she is extremely happy and is inching day by day towards her goals. Now, she even has a business partner who is an Ayurvedic doctor which adds further credibility to the venture. Her teaching vein is strong too and she conducts weekend workshops for women on how to produce organic skin and hair care products at home. Her success makes me ecstatic, I am glad her dreams came true.

If you know any such person, please support them in fulfilling their dreams. You just need the show your faith and support them and you can’t even imagine what a beautiful path they can carve for themselves.

This is my fourth post for my 4th consecutive Global #AtoZChallenge and #BlogchatterA2Z. You can read my earlier post in this Women Empowerment Series here: AB, C

Also, sharing here my first posts for #AtoZChallenge of 201620172018 with you all, in case you will like to read them :)

Truly Yours Roma

Copyright © 2014-2019 by Roma Gupta Sinha

All rights reserved. This article or any portion thereof
may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever
without the express written permission of the author

If you relate to my writings, you can grab a copy of any of my 3 published books here The Fragrance of True LoveDestiny's Favorite Child and Dare to Defy The Destiny

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