Friday, 26 April 2019

Xtreme situations often bring out the best in us #WomenEmpowerment #BlogchatterA2Z

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Women Empowerment
This dates back to several years ago when I first met Harshali(name changed) when she came to drop her tiny tot Ved for a special summer workshop I was holding for them and I was filled with awe to see her. She spoke with so much exuberance, warmth and joy that for some moments I even forgot she was on a wheelchair. She was not a pence worried or inhibited by her condition. As a result of a complication during her C-Section, some irreparable damage has been done to her spine and she would now never be able to stand for the rest of her life but did she care. 

She told me, she had to do it for herself, her young kid and for the smiles of her beloved family. It has taken her courage of steel to reach this position and become fiercely independent. While she was not working before she had a baby, as her son turned four, she had taken up a recruitment work from home job as she is a qualified HR professional. Extreme situations, the make or break situations, often bring out the best in us and she was the perfect example of that. 

To me, she appeared absolutely normal, much better than many other moms in terms of her interactivity and understanding of the outputs of the program. Plus she taught me the biggest lesson of life. Life will follow its sinusoidal curve of happiness and sorrows, striking balance and living life queen size is our cup of tea and the sooner we learn it the better it is for us. 

In due course of time, our friendship flourished and I absolutely love her company. She is a well-read girl and inspires in more than one ways. Enter her house and see how everything is customized so that she can do it perfectly. She has her kitchen slab modified to suit her on the wheelchair too and she looks like a superwoman with wings sprinting on the wheelchair to serve you the best snacks, like a perfect host. 

The best part is the upbringing she is giving her little son. It is such a delight to watch the talented and soft-spoken little boy always ready to help his mom. He is extremely independent and trains extensively for Badminton with his dad who is an ex-champion in the sport. The three are a beautifully knit perfect happy family. The physical handicap of the woman in the house only doubles their zeal to do things even better. Extreme conditions have brought out the best in them.

Would you call my Harshali empowered? I feel she is, in every which way ðŸ˜Š

This is the twenty-fourth post for my 4th consecutive Global #AtoZChallenge and #BlogchatterA2Z. You can read my earlier post in this Women Empowerment Series here: ABCDEFGHIJKLMN,O,P,Q,R,S,TU,V,W
Truly Yours Roma

Copyright © 2014-2019 by Roma Gupta Sinha

All rights reserved. This article or any portion thereof
may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever

without the express written permission of the author

If you relate to my writings, you can grab a copy of any of my 3 published books here The Fragrance of True LoveDestiny's Favorite Child and Dare to Defy The Destiny

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