Friday 19 April 2019

Raise your daughters like fierce and passionate tigresses #WomenEmpowerment #BlogchatterA2Z

women empowerment

Yogita di was a single parent. Such a smiling and cheerful personality, she can even make a rock smile and chuckle over her impromptu jokes. We all were fans of her incomparable sense of humor. No one can even imagine the amount of pain she had kept concealed in the deepest corners of her heart (until we lost her one day suddenly)...Her fourteen-year-old princess Happy is equally chirpy. She has been brought up so beautifully that never once did we feel that she missed her father’s presence in her life. 

For the last 22 years, Yogita di had been in a stable job with a MNC and was by then quite handsomely paid but she had always saved a majority of her income to secure her daughter’s future. She has also bought a flat in her name and has invested enough for her higher studies. After her husband had ditched her to marry her best friend, she had found it really difficult to trust anyone. Though she had projected herself as a strong independent woman, truth be told, it has taken her a while to overcome her grief of losing her man. Theirs was a love marriage after several years of courtship and betrayal was the last thing she expected from the man she has loved beyond eternity.

I had met her at so many occasions because of a common friend and had always loved her warmth until on the Holi Day last year, I came to know that early morn 6a.m. she had silently passed away. She was all of fourth four and was battling fever from last few days but none of us had thought in our dreams that we would lose her like this too soon. It was heart-wrenching for all of us but for her 14 years old this was the biggest shock of her life. The worst fear that Yogita di’s friends faced were then how will they control the pain of the teeny princess. But we were wrong.

Yogita di had raised a tigress. The young girl absorbed all her pain and lighted her mom’s pyre, bearing it all like a firm unshakable rock. There were eyebrows raised, questions asked in hushed murmurs, but she replied to none. Her mother had taught her how to remain unfazed in the most adverse circumstances in life and Happy wished to withhold her admirable upbringing to the best of her abilities.

The young girl exhibited unparalleled strength of character when she appeared for her 9th-grade exams within a few days of losing her mom, staying in the same flat where she lost her forever. Memories of kissing her mom goodbye early morn for tuition when she saw her alive for the last time, still haunts her but she stays firm. Her father had now come to stay with her and takes good care of her but she is not sure if she can ever forgive him. She is fiercely independent and very focussed towards her goals in life...

I am a very strong advocate of women’s rights and people call me with different names from being a feminist to what not but I don’t care. What I care is for standing behind as many women as possible to support them in words and in deeds. However, there is a category of women I really despise. They are those who fall for a married man(and vice versa) knowingly or unknowingly. I just can't take this love is blind shit from them. Nothing on the earth qualifies them to ruin a family. Sorry for deviating from the topic but we would not have lost our Yogita di at such a young age, to so much mental agony, had her husband and best friend not ditched her. However, I am very proud of the way she has raised her daughter as an empowered tigress.

This is the eighteenth post for my 4th consecutive Global #AtoZChallenge and #BlogchatterA2Z. You can read my earlier post in this Women Empowerment Series here: ABCDEFGHIJKLMN,O,P,Q

Truly Yours Roma

Copyright © 2014-2019 by Roma Gupta Sinha

All rights reserved. This article or any portion thereof
may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever
without the express written permission of the author

If you relate to my writings, you can grab a copy of any of my 3 published books here The Fragrance of True LoveDestiny's Favorite Child and Dare to Defy The Destiny

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