Thursday, 21 December 2017

To be able to Direction and Groom the Impressionable Tiny Minds Is Truly Divine Delight

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I have been meeting a lot of tiny tots of all age groups these days as a part of the classes I conduct in my Academy and it indeed is such a pleasure being surrounded by them. Their innocent talks and never ending urge to question elates my heart beyond compare. They have made me such a happy soul, they give me much more than I give them. The way my excited bundles of wisdom flood my house with their giggles and cute competitive urges enlightens and brightens my day.

My students across the different batches have now become such vital pieces of my heart. I meticulously plan each module for them keeping in mind their interests and strengths and weaknesses and when their moms tell me how they love my class, I feel my hard work is rewarded.

The thing that amazes me the most is that how impressionable these tiny souls are. They pick the microphones and speak exactly like I do catching every tiny nuance for the fun game is named -closest to me(sometimes even including my scratching my nose). By the way, yes all my classes on nuances of public speaking and communication skills are based on fun games. That’s exactly from where an idea plummeted in my brain to infuse these young impressionable minds with some deep thoughts and values too by incorporating them in the scripts for their class. For e.g. I build their extempore theme around My Parents, My Divine Treasure so their Little hearts have embossed on it that their most precious treasure is their parents...

Today evening two of my 8 year old students are going to anchor the beginning of a Christmas Party of two hundred plus gathering. Another budding charismatic 9 year old writer has already began her blog and her stories are all set to hit the global audience. Her first published blogpost was hugely appreciated. Another 21 year old princess I groomed is on a success rampage with cracking all the job interviews she is appearing for as well as blogging her heart out blatantly as the unsaid and the unheard of from a twenty something...and the list goes on. No, I don’t intend to brag about it but yes these kids do swell my heart with pride.

Thus, to give them perfect grooming and nothing short of the best has now become a very important aim of my life and I wish to aid more and more children come out of their shell and be able to speak their mind and shine as intellectuals. A silent prayers goes up to he Almighty above to help me fulfil this endeavour of mine to the most fruitful extent possible.

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