Friday, 18 June 2021

I seek a closure to my feelings #RomaticThriller

Hello every one, here, I am continuing weaving the Romantic Thriller I was weaving in April, where Aaradhya is waiting for her love Shamit, who has vanished seven years ago. The story is being narrated by their best friend Riya. In case you missed the earlier chapters of this timeless love saga, 'I Live To Love you', you can read them here

Chapter 28

We were all back in Pune. Things have started falling in place for Shamit, Aaru, and their little princess and the good old golden ‘GG’ days were back.

I was overjoyed to see them happy though from a distance this time. I didn’t want to jinx their happiness.

Adarsh had joined his uncle’s business in Mumbai and had shifted there within a week of our coming back to Pune. Though he was forgiven by Shamit, he could never look into his eyes.

Adarsh had given me the choice to come and live with him if I desired but there was no pressure on me from his side for the same.

Personally, I had big decisions to make and resolve my dilemma of decades which could potentially ruin lives like we had seen.

To be honest, it was me, who was the root cause of Shamit’s disappearance if one thinks deeply of it and not Adarsh though he was the medium who physically carried out the act.

I needed closure to my feelings and for that, the only correct way was to express my feelings to my Aaru and Shamit and seek their apology as well as guidance.

Since the things had started getting right in their world, I just didn’t want anything to go wrong this time particularly because of me.

I thus sat with them one fine day when my little Sharu was off to school and confessed everything,

 ‘My dearest Aaradhya and Shamit. Today your Riya wants to tell you everything. Please do listen to me carefully. You may not believe part of it to be true but this is how it is and I can’t bear the burden of keeping it concealed in my heart anymore.

This confession is vital to my existence and hence I will request you to have mercy on me and aid me to choose the right path.

Aaru you are my lifeline, sweetheart. 

From the day you were born till today, I have always made you the priority in my life and done everything which would be nothing short of the best for you always. You are my best friend and soul sister and shall remain the same until my last breath. My love for you is beyond the entire humanity.

Shamit, I don’t know how to say this but the days I spent with you before Aaru entered your life was some of the most blessed days of my life so far. 

I fell in love with you unknowingly no matter how hard I resisted my feelings for the amazing painter that you are. 

I suppressed my feelings forever when I realized you and Aaru were getting drawn to each other and never allowed them to resurface again which required the resolve of steel. 

It wasn’t easy and it made me insane. I shifted base to Bangalore assuming distancing shall make things better but you continued to paint in my dreams there too.

You both meant the world to me always and I wanted to be with you forever. Thus, I once also tried to propose to you to accept me as your third life partner, which incidentally you didn’t hear and I was so shaken by my attempt that I agreed to marry Adarsh. 

This indeed wasn’t the right decision to take.

Adarsh soon realized that I was much more into you guys than him and that’s when all hell broke.

I could never be a good wife to him as I loved you and only you, above all. Call me insane but this turned out to be my gravest crime as it alienated Adarsh from you. All he wished was a happy married life, with kids, which I failed to give, lost in my own emotional turmoil.

His anger on me perhaps was justified and in the madness, he harmed you which was so wrong. 

But I believe the real cause of all this happening to you both is me and my screwed emotions. Guide me please what should I do of my heart which only loves you. I live to love you.

Last seven years I have spent my life rearing Sharu, even giving up my job for the same. It is really impossible for me to live away from you guys.’

I lost control of myself and fell on the floor unable to control my be continued

Truly Yours Roma

'This post is a part #BlogchatterHalfMarathon by Blogchatter'

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