As years passed Shamit became more than a friend, a habit. I was sixteen then, the most tender age and was oblivious of my feelings for him. He felt like a chaddy-buddy then, all thanks to all the love her mom had showered on me in all these years. I felt as if I was the daughter of their house. Thanks to Shamit I had started painting quite well and was half done with Aradhya’s portrait I had wished to gift her. Though I must say, Shamit’s master-strokes had added divinity to my amateur art.
We had just finished grade ten and I was back home in Nainital for a week of vacations with the person still closest to my heart. Every time I met her, she looked all the more beautiful like a blooming rose whose beauty enhances with every petal opening up gradually.
She has grown more shy and quiet though. Aunt Neena wanted her to explore the world outside and who would be better than my mom for her to entrust this responsibility. Thus she was exploring an admission possibility in my school. Aaru’s grades made it easier for her though and she would now go to my school and live with us.
The good golden days will now return Aaru!
I felt ecstatic. We had to pack all her important stuff. She looked nervous though. She has been the princess of her house so far, extremely pampered by her mum-dad. Obviously, she was happy too and eager to spread her wings even outside of Nainital, just that she was a little scared to step out of her comfort zone.
I decided to ease her.
C’mon! Let’s go out to all our favorite places downtown. You wanna have chocolate ice cream?
She immediately agreed to spread her divine smile. I knew it was her weakness to sit by the lake relishing a couple of scoops of dark chocolate ever since we were really tiny kiddos.
Riyu, I love my world here, the only thing I don’t have here is you...
I interrupted her sensing the storm inside her,
Your world here is always going to be here for you my love, but now it’s time for you to explore the world outside your world here, to weave new dreams and spread your wings.
She nodded in agreement, spreading her sunshine smile yet again. She has always been a girl of few words when it came to speaking but words were her voice on paper.
We strolled carefreely for a couple of more hours lost in our world. I told her that I have told all my friends about her coming and how excited they all are to meet the girl who was a part of almost every conversation of mine. Also, that Shamit and I are painting a masterpiece for her.
It was difficult to believe Shamit and Aradhya haven’t met yet because to each one of those I had shared infinite stuff about the other to the extent that they already knew each other quite well. Yet, the day and the way they met turned out so special.
So, we came down to Pune and I had set up Aradhya’s stuff in my room. I am glad she instantly felt at home as she had grown up in my mom-dad’s arms and it was like coming to her second home. In just a couple of days, she looked all calm and well placed.
It was the last week of March and Holi was just around the corner. We were at the school for Aaru’s uniform. We met Shamit’s mom, aunt Sandy on the way and she welcomed Aaradhya with open arms. I was always surprised by what a kind-hearted soul she had always been. She lost her husband some years back to a car accident. She still lives in India and runs his business never once thinking to return to her birth-land in Poland. No wonder her gentleness has rubbed on her son too. He wore his chivalry on his sleeves.
Do come in for the special Holi Celebrations at our place tomorrow kids, I will wait for you.
She invited us. I realized I haven’t met Shamit in the last two days that I am back.
Of course Aunty, we’ll be there!
I said though I knew it will be difficult to persuade Aaru to come out with me for Holi. She was so scared of colors, she had always hidden on the Holidays.
It took me crazy cajoling and the promise that I will tell everyone that she is allergic to colours and save her for even an iota of it being applied on her, to persuade her to come along.
Celebrations at Shamit’s place were always extra special. I guess in this excitement, we were the first ones to reach there. The basement was beautifully decorated in myriad colours and there were two big vessels of coloured water with rose petals floating in them.
We were greeted by Sandy aunty. On asking about the whereabouts of Shamit, I was told he is in his room, painting something special. My crazy love for his art was by then known to all. The moment I heard of a new painting, I literally dragged Aaradhya to his room. I had no clue he had set up a prank on us.
As soon as we were about to step into his room, my feet got stuck on the doormat and I stumbled, while Aaru just stepped in and as the door was touched, all the bags with different dry colours set up on top of the door, emptied on her.
Smashhhhhh!!! came the loud thud.
Oh my God, she stood there stone-faced and Shamit in front of her looking right into her eyes. She looked all the more gorgeous covered in all the gorgeous gulaal shades, I wondered if she had turned red from anger underneath those colours.
Obviously Shamit could recognise her as he had helped me paint her curly hair and blue eyes in the portrait that we were making for her though she was all colour clad.
Shamit could see, tears wetting the colours on her face and felt his heart melt at the sight.
He went near her, looked into her eyes and very softly whispered to her,
I am so sorry! I had not set this up for you. Please...please don’t cry. I am Shamit.
But Aaru kept sobbing. She was very scared of colours. She felt angry not on Shamit but on herself to have chosen to come out on Holi at the first place.
It’s ok. I’m Aaradhya.
is all she said to him. She has already developed a soft corner for him in the past few years from the way I had portrayed Shamit to her and rightly so. But I was not sure if after this incident it would remain the same.
In a jiffy, Shamit has fetched out a towel from his cupboard and has pointed it to her.
Come you can wash your face here.
He told her indicating the small basin in his room where he washed his brushes and paint trays.
For the first time, Aaradhya looked up and was awe-struck to see so many paintings and unfinished canvases. He headed to the basin with Shamit, splashed water on her face gently, fearing the rashes may develop by a rub, and took the towel from him to gently wipe.
Thanks! You paint, I have heard.
She said with a faint smile. I was perhaps not right or her anger had vanished.
Like you paint words in poetry.
He was quick to grin back.
Quite unexpectedly, my shy girl expressed a desire to him to have a glance of his work which he humbly obliged.
Each art of yours can be weaved into a poetic composition.
She uttered in sheer admiration and I could see Shamit admiring her back with great fondness.
For a moment I thought I didn’t exist and that my two best friends have forgotten me completely. I quickly gathered myself realizing it was a destined amalgamation of the creativity of two brilliant souls. I was just a medium for them to meet but not to forget a medium which had strong emotions of herself.
So this is how my two beloveds first met totally oblivious of how their fates would get entwined together in true love only to meet and then be separated forever. No one knows Shamit’s whereabouts now and do I feel guilty, well yes and no. Wait to read tomorrow as you take a delve into their blooming love.

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