Tuesday, 29 December 2020

Bidding Adieu to 2020

My last Covid letter of 2020 to my future grandchild: This post is a part of a series I am penning to the future generations to apprise them of COVID times and this is my 28th letter 

28th December 2020
6 a.m. 


Dear Ann,

I am writing to you after a brief hiatus and I am sure you must be waiting to know more on the COVID Saga I had narrated to you in my last 27 letters. Actually, I have been waiting and hoping against all odds to share with you some good news about the pandemic and so the long gap kid. 

There are so many things to update you on. Remember last time I told you how after being stranded in Vadodara for over 80 days, we reached back our Delhi home safely in Jun’20. Since then we have been mostly indoors in our home here too taking all precautions managing all the household chores ourselves. Of course, your grandpa’s office downstairs beams with certain activity as the show must go on. Your dad’s school is still running in full throttle online from 730 to 230 and loads of assignments thereafter. This is the new normal my child and all of us have kind of adapted to it. 

Whether forced or otherwise it has put a full stop to all leisurely travel and my heart really goes out to your dad who hardly steps out to play. His winter vacations are on and yesterday we took him to a deer park in our neighborhood and also to play some cricket in the sun. It felt like ages, while we had taken a lot of precautions(took our masks off just for a few seconds to click some pics),  it felt as if many on the roads have lost their patience and are flouting all rules. 

Your dad and me on 27-Dec-2020

Some didn’t bother to wear masks while others just hanged them below the chin. The markets too are flooded with people some to shop but many others to earn their livelihood understandably. We have still not gone to malls or markets other than just moving around the city in our cars. Delhi is still a burning platter beaming with thousands of new Corona cases everyday so we don’t have a choice though child many a times it feels claustrophobic at home. Even a visit to a neighboring park is highly liberating.

I guess many of us have now started counting our odds and heading out to avoid getting mentally sick. Quite a few of my friends have confided in me on this and I understand their situation. The fact is, in these pandemic times, it is not even good to advise as we don’t know what mental state the other person is and thus we need to leave it to each his own. It’s been 10 months since the lockdown child and it feels as if it has been an eternity. Now though everything has opened now gradually, still taking precautions is the new way of life. 

2020 has been such a year, we won’t be able to forget it for ages. It has taught us immensely many significant lessons and like every year this year too I have penned my Reflections 2020 and Goals 2021. You must also do this each year kid, analyze the year just gone by for you, and decide what you will like to make better in the coming year. This shall really help you evolve over a period of time and aid you fulfil your dreams. I have taught this to your dad too and he is doing it for 2 years now. He began when he was nine😊

We are all pumped up to bid  2020 adieu shortly and welcome 2021 with new hopes. Apart from COVID, I will also remember it as the year I reached my health goals by losing 20 kgs extra body weight and defeating endometriosis complications to a certain level.

The good news is the vaccine for COVID-19 has arrived and has been administered to many in Europe and America. Though it has come in with a lot of speculations it somehow is a relief to all of us as something is better than nothing. It is expected to arrive in India soon. It is going to be a humongous task for the Govt. to administer to the huge population in India. The first ones of course being the elderly and the Corona warriors. Rest all of us will wait peacefully for our turns. 

Can’t tell you how much I wish these pandemic times to end and lead a free life. This too shall pass like everything else and the good days shall be here soon hopefully. I Will surely update you on the same, my little love...Do take good care of yourself. Dream big and keep working hard to fulfill them without losing focus.

Sending you a million kisses my future grandchild 

Your granny 


{This is the 28th post of the series where I will be writing 26 Letters to my Grandchildren about life and lessons during these tricky COVID19 times. Letter12 , 3 , 56 , 78 ,9 , 10 , 11 ,1213 141516 , 17 , 181920 ,21222324,25 , 26 and 27 can be found here}

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