Thursday, 9 April 2020

Inspiring tales from all around: My 9th letter to my Grandchildren documenting lessons from COVID-19 times

{This is the 9th post of the series where I will be writing 26 Letters to my Grandchildren about life and lessons during these tricky COVID19 times. 
Letter1, 2 , 3 , 56 , 7 and 8 can be found here}

10 April 2020 

My precious little sweetheart, 

How are you doing today? How are mum and dad? I am sure you are one lucky chap having wonderful and sensitive parents like them. Always, remember to be warm with your mom-dad and give them a hug as many times as you can. You may not realize that your parents’ love shall be the most selfless love you will ever experience in your life, please don’t take it for granted and feel gratitude for them deep in your heart.

I am extremely elated jotting today’s letter to you, my little love, as today I will be showing you a glimpse of some inspiring tales from India and from all around the world. When we are baffled staying in lock down in our homes and fear COVID-19, there are many who are going out of the way to help the needy as much as they can and even beyond it sometimes.

Remember I wrote to you how the lock down has thrown a population of 55 million daily wagers in quandary who fear to not even have the next meal for themselves and their families. Immediately, a lot of Good Samaritans have channelized their energies to form large community kitchens and are preparing food for the poor and are also ensuring it is reaching them. In doing the same they are maintaining social distancing and are securing they don’t get or transmit the highly contagious virus. They are also constantly sanitizing their facility and are so dedicated to their resolve. Hats off to these citizens of India and abroad who are putting service before self even in these vicious times. 

There are uncountable voluntary groups today who are ensuring that medicines and groceries are reading the old and the handicapped who can’t come out to buy them. How policemen are helping pregnant and the needy reach hospital on time are heartwarming pictures floating on the Internet. 

Tears well up in my eyes whenever I see a doctor, a paramedical staff, a policeman, a banker and anyone risking their lives to keep us safe,  reaching back home after 18 hours of duty and his little one comes to hug him. All he does is ensures he stays far apart and away from his family in a separate room even when at home. Such a trauma it is to him and his spouse, progeny, and parents. Some have even sent their children to a relative’s place to keep them safe from this risk. We can’t imagine what they go through each day. In such times, many lead hotel chains have opened their doors to free stay for doctors and paramedical staff at their properties. Some of them like Taj in Mumbai are also sending nutritious meals to them while they are tirelessly working for us day in and day out sometimes in as many as three hospitals. That’s the least we can do for them. 

One mom in NewYork places lunchboxes for the poor on a table at a central place with a note that whoever needs can please come there and feed himself daily. These tiny inspiring tales flood in from all directions each day and reinstate our faith in humanity, the biggest of all religions.

In India, the culture of welcoming the policeman by sprinkling flowers on them from our terraces to thank them for their relentless services is catching momentum and this appreciation is so heart-warming and well deserved. In scorching heat, they sing on mikes to make us aware of how washing our hands and social distancing is the only way to avert this pandemic. 

The Reiki experts, the dietitians, the yoga gurus all have come together to hold free online sessions to contribute to people’s good physical and mental health.

You know your grand pa’s elder brother is a banker, he goes to the bank every day and works extra hours to ensure the poor are getting the money the government has allocated for them during these tricky times. My aunt who is a government school teacher is a part of the team who has been allocated a job to distribute the free ration sent by the government for the poor. She is a diabetic, yet she is fulfilling her duties to the best of her abilities though this is not her job. That’s how everyone has united to wage a war against this scary disease and this fear gives immense hope to me that this too shall pass and brighter days are not away.

These stories are just the tip of an iceberg dear, there are so many more,  many of which we might not even know about. Deep in my heart, I express my gratitude to all these saviors of humanity for showing us the right path and leading by example.

How do you feel reading about all this? The lesson these tales have taught me is to never give up no matter how adverse the times become instead find a purpose to aid people who need you as much as you can and you shall feel an instant lift.

Sending your way lots of inspiration from these noble souls 
Your Granny 


Hi Everyone, thanks for dropping by, this is my fifth consecutive #BlogchatterA2Z as well as global #AtoZchallenge and this year I will be writing ‘26 letters to my grandaughter’ with a special purpose which shall unfold as you read this series. In case you wish to check out what I wrote in the previous 4 challenges here are the links 201620172018 and 2019

Truly Yours Roma

If you like what I write, you can grab the copies of my four published ebooks here: The Fragrance of True LoveDestiny's Favorite ChildDare to Defy The Destiny and Empowered Women Empower Women

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