{This is the 4th post of the series where I will be writing 26 Letters to my Grandchildren about life and lessons during these tricky COVID19 times for us and what we are learning. Letter1, 2 and 3 can be found here}
4 April 2020,
4 April 2020,
My little princess or prince,
So yeah granny is back with yet another letter for you. If my earlier letters have made you a little gloomy darling, only loads of love, warmth, and selflessness will ooze out in abundance from this one because today I am going to tell you about our Corona warriors who are fighting a war against this highly infectious and deadly virus day in and day out.
Since God can’t be everywhere, he created doctors and the paramedical staff to take care of us during any sickness big or small. They are Gods for us on earth who pledge to treat us to their ability best(even if that meant risking their lives) when they join this noble profession. Today all their promises are being tested and when the COVID19 patients can’t even meet their families, they are taking care of them, day and night, treating them both with medicines and their kind words to give the sufferers adequate mental strength to fight all odds and recover at the earliest.
These selfless souls hardly get any rest as there is a sudden flurry of new cases and when they do reach home, the irony is they can’t even touch their own kids or spouse and stay in a separate room due to the fear of having caught the same infection. I fail to fathom the emotional and mental strength they possess and can only take a bow to their efforts as no words of the universe will be able to express our gratitude to them. They are unparalleled immortals with such a large heart.
Sometimes they don’t even have the P.P.E. suits and masks due to their current scarcity, still, they embrace their responsibility without a frown on their forehead. Indeed I feel they are as mighty as the soldiers on the border of our country. Any tribute is less for them. Some of them have even lost their lives in this battle but the rest of them continue unfazed. Let's hale their efforts as much as we can because that’s probably the only thing we can do for these custodians of humanity at the moment.
Hats off to all the doctors, nurses and paramedical staff for taking over when one doesn’t know where to go! Lots of respect, love, and gratitude to them, you may be wondering why granny is repeating it over and over again because I do mean it dear.
There are some people who are not allowing them to come back home in their societies due to the fear of getting infected, owners are throwing them out and I heard this morn that some have even attacked doctors in a city who came to test them. How disgraceful and self-centered behavior is this on the part of these guys, they have lost it. We can’t be like them ever child instead be grateful to them from the core of our hearts.
They are our angels send to us from heavens above and we must bow our heads in reverence to them. If not anything at least not hurt them. I so wanted to write to you about them, whenever you meet them in life, remember to thank them, for all they have done for us always.
Ending this letter with a kiss on your forehead!
Your Granny
Hi Everyone, thanks for dropping by, this is my fifth consecutive #BlogchatterA2Z as well as global #AtoZchallenge and this year I will be writing ‘26 letters to my grandaughter’ with a special purpose which shall unfold as you read this series. In case you wish to check out what I wrote in the previous 4 challenges here are the links 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019.

If you like what I write, you can grab the copies of my four published ebooks here: The Fragrance of True Love, Destiny's Favorite Child, Dare to Defy The Destiny and Empowered Women Empower Women
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