Monday 6 April 2020

Fitness, A Way of Life: My 6th letter to my GrandChildren documenting lessons from COVID-19 times

{This is the 6th post of the series where I will be writing 26 Letters to my Grandchildren about life and lessons during these tricky COVID19 times for us and what we are learning. Letter1, 2 , 3 , and 5 can be found here}

7 April 2020 

The softest piece of my heart, 

Sharing with you some positive notes from my #COVID19 dairies as we try to make lemonade from the lemons life is throwing at us these days. I hope you follow the same principle in your life whenever tough times arise like your dad who is behaving like a very responsible and helpful kid. I really know he will be a wonderful dad to you.

So one thing that has kept me sane during these extremely claustrophobic times is working on my fitness and on my eating right on whatever small level, I can. Even a tiny step in the right direction is capable of providing the desired motivation and unparalleled benefits. It is valuable to associate meaning to your life and have goals at all points of time. Don’t you agree, child? It is also extremely vital to have a set timetable to your day like every day I wake up at 5 a.m. and after finishing my routine chores, grab my cup of infused water and sit and write for around an hour. Currently, I am working on my 5th book. 

Since writing is therapeutic to me, there can’t be a better way to start my day. Around 7 a.m. I go to our small terrace here in Vadodara, for my morning walk amidst a beautiful sunrise. It is so inspiring and I always join my hands and pray to the sun god absorbing the positive energy. 

I also carry some grains for my chirping partners, the gorgeous birdies who come to meet me every day, I even recognize some of them by their patterns now. Yesterday even a leaf monkey (langur) came in to join the gang. 

They are having a ball of their time wondering, “Where all the human beings on the earth have vanished? There is no pollution and they aren’t honking on the roads crazily driving all of us mad, none of them is coming to hunt or trap us for their zoos nor they are destroying our habitats.” 

I understand their feelings and probably would have felt the same had I been in their place.

 Also, I mostly plug in some music as I complete my walk. I get all the energy boost during this time for the day. Post this I sit and meditate for fifteen minutes. If time permits I do some yoga too on odd days. 

I love my breakfasts no matter what’s on my plate, I have it a few minutes before nine as everyone wakes up and I get sucked in cooking, mopping, doing utensils, laundry, and a million other unexplainable jobs but they make he happy because they are contributing positively to my fitness. 

For all the time that we are standing, we are actually burning calories and I work on this principle and avoid sitting like a couch potato for long hours. Sometimes I walk while reading too. Strolling for 20 mins after every meal even if it is within the house works wonders too. If there is a time to reach a healthy weight, the time is now and your granny is trying it hard, dear.

Post my Endometriosis surgery last July I have had a lot of weight gain as I was mostly on the bed and didn’t work out at all. So I am making up for it now, of course, I miss my long nature walks and jogs but the adjustment is the key, darling. One must be satisfied with whatever resources one has. This is another important lesson I have amassed during this lockdown. There is something else I absolutely love doing and gives me a fresh lease of life each day. I will write to you about it tomorrow. I hope the letters are sinking in gradually ðŸ˜Š. Don’t read them all in a go, do it slowly.

Hoping that you will find these letters worthy 
Your granny 


Hi Everyone, thanks for dropping by, this is my fifth consecutive #BlogchatterA2Z as well as global #AtoZchallenge and this year I will be writing ‘26 letters to my grandaughter’ with a special purpose which shall unfold as you read this series. In case you wish to check out what I wrote in the previous 4 challenges here are the links 201620172018 and 2019

Truly Yours Roma

If you like what I write, you can grab the copies of my four published ebooks here: The Fragrance of True LoveDestiny's Favorite ChildDare to Defy The Destiny and Empowered Women Empower Women

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