Saturday 18 April 2020

Quarantine life, a new battle every day: My 17th letter to my Grandchildren documenting lessons from COVID-19 times

{This is the 17th post of the series where I will be writing 26 Letters to my Grandchildren about life and lessons during these tricky COVID19 times. Letter1, 2 , 3 , 56 , 78 ,9 , 10 , 11 ,1213 1415 and 16 can be found here} 

20 April 2020
6:20 a.m. 
27th Day of Lockdown

Hello my little angel, 

Life is always beautiful no matter how it is served to us and we must be grateful for it. How do you find your life, little boy? Try to find the positives in all that is appearing not so pleasant about your life to you. Like, if your teacher didn’t appreciate your submission, look at it like, she sees more potential in you and want you to yearn harder, my child.

This is how we are sustaining in our current home quarantine’s lives. We are being tested from all angles and with every single day comes a new unimaginable battle. Though I paint rosy pictures for you each day in my letters, life in quarantine is actually not that easy😊. But you see there are two ways on dealing with it- first, crib, cry, feel depressed and cringe under the pressure but where does this solution exhibit the power of your character? Second way out is- face the challenge head on, look at the situation positivity, optimise solutions and be patient. The second one is just a little less stress and more hard work to reach a solution. Ask for help in you need, don’t hesitate.

I knew no one in Vadodara when I came here 33 days ago. The place where we live is a gated community of eighteen bungalows. As I used to do my morning walk I greeted everyone I met with a smile. Soon the lockdown came and grew my challenges. I understood I have to seek help on almost everything and I politely asked for it whenever I spotted a human being out. People in general and good and helpful and when they know you somehow got stuck due to unprecedented circumstances they further help. The solution to some problems came easier than others which are still testing my patience.

Since this house was locked for over two years, almost all the devices are failing one by one. After managing with bare minimum water for a day we got to get fixed the water purifier when the fear of cooking gas getting over loomed on us. Last ten days we had hardly eaten cooked food as we were not getting any solution. The gas connection has expired and there is no door I had not knocked to seek help, every one tried but nothing worked our way. I was happy that we had veggies and we managed, fruits though we haven’t seen for a month as only the vegetable vendor came. Finally when we got the gas cylinder(using all the convincing skills I had on earth to appease the delivery guy to give me one as an emergency case),  now the vegetable vendor has vanished because apparently the wholesale vegetable market has closed as a tea seller there became COVID positive. Haha, so today we have gas but no veggies, this is what quarantine life is darling, you are locked at home but you have to get it all. Nevertheless, we really hope Big Basket guys will be our saviours, order is placed and fingers are crossed, the assigned delivery date is away though. Till then we have lentils. 

In the meantime, a new battle had come up to keep me busy and test my problem solving skills yet again. Temperatures have soared to forty three degrees here and I guess all the A.C.s are out of gas due to non usage for so long. So I now fight a mental battle. Should we run the A.C.s at the first place or not during the corona threat.  If yes, who will repair in this social emergency times? If no, how will the super tired me after doing all the crazy hard work get good night sleep? So I and your grandpa have a new debate for today. Glad that both of us are same batch logical engineers, so it feels like a battle of the equals😊. We are besties for life who constantly nag each other. This love and banter makes our life  beautiful despite everyday battles and aid us pass our quarantine days. Hope and pray they get over soon and we get a vaccine against this deadly virus. 

Thus if you have to choose an avenue from the two given above, as apparently we don’t have any other, choose the second way out even if it feels like the road not taken and face the challenge head on without a frown. The lesson learnt is God helps those who help themselves. That’s all for today kid!

Love you my baby 
Your granny 


Hi Everyone, thanks for dropping by, this is my fifth consecutive #BlogchatterA2Z as well as global #AtoZchallenge and this year I will be writing ‘26 letters to my grandaughter’ with a special purpose which shall unfold as you read this series. In case you wish to check out what I wrote in the previous 4 challenges here are the links 201620172018 and 2019

Truly Yours Roma

If you like what I write, you can grab the copies of my four published ebooks here: The Fragrance of True LoveDestiny's Favorite ChildDare to Defy The Destiny and Empowered Women Empower Women

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