Tuesday 21 April 2020

Shun all negativity, be pragmatic: My 19th letter to my Grandchildren documenting lessons from COVID-19 times

{This is the 19th post of the series where I will be writing 26 Letters to my Grandchildren about life and lessons during these tricky COVID19 times. Letter12 , 3 , 56 , 78 ,9 , 10 , 11 ,1213 141516 , 17 and 18 can be found here} 

22 April
5:16 a.m. 
29th day of Lockdown

Good morning, my little sunshine!

Do you have an affinity for the idiot box? Do you too keep watching cartoons every day? Well, excess of everything is bad. Try to limit your digital content time to a maximum of one hour. It shall not only be good for your eyes but also your brain which will not be over flooded with unnecessary information gathered passively through the visual medium, rather play outside, paint, play music or read a book.

When the lockdown began, in order to be aware of what is going on the #COVID19 front in India and abroad I use to keep the television on the whole day as I did my work. Soon the negativity of the deadly virus and the havoc it has caused all over the globe and how it is tremendously stretching its clutches in India started building up in me. I started living in fear and once had a bad dream which perplexed me and I woke up drenched in sweat. 

That was the day I did two things, one I decided I will not watch the news for more than thirty minutes a day and second I will start looking for pragmatic and feasible solutions for all that can happen if this situation really lingers for long. The media indeed is doing a mammoth job by bringing us the news every day without fearing for their own lives but I realized excess of everything is bad, so I corrected my folly and made my action plan to shun all negativity and morose thoughts.

The speculations are that post 3rd May,  the 40 days cumulative lockdown may be ended phase-wise. The hotspots and the red zones will remain sealed and the rest of the country will start opening up gradually. Well, if that happens, it will be good news for many stranded away from their homes like us, of course, if the state borders are opened and also for the migrant workers, daily wagers and very small businessmen. But it will also mean a greater risk of the highly contagious virus as social distancing than shall be compromised even if most people take precautions. That’s going to be our war against corona at a different level. But being negative about what will happen to us, will already make us lose half a battle. Neither are we in a situation to plan anything as uncertainty engulfs us from all directions. So, you sense our dilemma. Even if the lockdown is relaxed Vadodara comes in the red zone which means it will not open due to having more cases, so not sure about anything at all. We are keeping our fingers crossed though.

Thus, the best way is to keep ourselves prepared to face the situation is to keep our heads firmly on our shoulders and stay positive throughout shunning all negativities. Let’s take one day at a time. Things are undoubtedly difficult but our negativity will only worsen things for us, so stay away from such things and also people who rub pessimism on you instead smile and become a hard unshakable rock capable of handling anything and everything.

The lesson these times teach us is to become tough, very tough, when the going gets tough beta, don’t give up and stay positive. Things will turn up to be better sooner or later. Till then have patience, my child. Stay composed and believe in the power of the Almighty who will take care of all of us.

Tomorrow’s letter is going to be a bit different as I want to give you a welcome change. Can you guess what it is going to be about? 

With lots of hugs and kisses
Your granny 


Hi Everyone, thanks for dropping by, this is my fifth consecutive #BlogchatterA2Z as well as global #AtoZchallenge and this year I will be writing ‘26 letters to my grandaughter’ with a special purpose which shall unfold as you read this series. In case you wish to check out what I wrote in the previous 4 challenges here are the links 201620172018 and 2019

Truly Yours Roma

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