I am a born ‘baniya’, so as the popular belief goes I must have the greatest value for money, I should not only know how to make loads and loads of it but also how to save it😛. It should be in my blood right but in reality, I am just the opposite of all the above😉. Yes, I am the biggest PARADOX and actually, don’t profess any of the above qualities.
Still, I am the most content and the happiest soul on earth probably because it was never about money for me😊.
Don’t get me wrong, I really value the above set of individuals and I have been there being at the peak of my corporate career and making big bucks and it was not that I didn’t enjoy that phase. I really cherish everything life has given me so far and appreciate it to the helm and.. for what it didn’t give me, it was probably never meant to be for me because ‘LIFE KNOWS BETTER’.
Trust me when I say, a stylish dress from a local vendor which looks fab on me gives me the same pleasure as a Sabyasachi in my closet. For me, a friend who buys me pearls with a heart full of love and warmth for me means more than the diamonds gifted me, by someone, just to show it off😊. My academy which grooms children and adults to fulfill their dreams pays me peanuts in comparison to my high profile jobs but the kind of ecstatic joy and high it gives me is so out of the world. The fact that I am contributing in my motherland’s glorious future satiates me like nothing else.
People call me crazy, on not getting back to my awesome career after enjoying my maternal sabbatical but the fact is in my mind the question never arises and that’s because I do what I love the most, I write and I make an impact in people’s lives no matter in what small way but I do. Isn’t it above all financial ambitions?
Yes, I reiterate it indeed was never about money for me. This despite I am a spendthrift, I love buying small presents for myself and appreciate myself because I trust I deserve self-love for the infinite love that I give out to the world unconditionally at all times, without a frown. Trust me only when you can love yourself, you will be able to love and appreciate others. Don’t agree, this can undoubtedly be some food for thought for you and I will wait for your answer.
I remember those days when I used to be in Europe for my dream job while back home in India my 8-month-old has got a fatal cut in his nose at midnight, I could see it on webcam but do nothing. That day money lost all its significance from me and I ended the mad chase. So now you know from where this acceptance stems from. With time I had learned to invest in happiness and smiles rather than money. Today I and S make just the right amount of money to buy us little joys of life and nothing else and we are happy in our space. We don’t have big savings but we have time for each other and live life to it's fullest. We believe in making every moment of our present worthwhile and invest in our happiness today because no one has seen tomorrow. We don’t compete with the world we better ourselves not for anyone else but for our personal growth💖.
I have written to you about many principles I base my life on like positivity, the balancing act, independence, significance of time and several others, today as I jot my first inspiration post of 2019, I decided to pour out my earnest thoughts on why it was and is never about money for me. No, I don’t mean to suggest that you should not save but just that do evaluate your life at regular intervals, is it how it was meant to be for you, have we deviated from our goals?
Truly Your Roma wishes you a Glorious New Year from the bottom of her heart :)
Truly Your Roma wishes you a Glorious New Year from the bottom of her heart :)
Copyright © 2014-2019 by Roma Gupta Sinha
All rights reserved. This article or any portion thereof
may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever
without the express written permission of the author
If you relate to my writings, you can grab a copy of any of my 3 published books here The Fragrance of True Love, Destiny's Favorite Child and Dare to Defy The Destiny
If you relate to my writings, you can grab a copy of any of my 3 published books here The Fragrance of True Love, Destiny's Favorite Child and Dare to Defy The Destiny
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