Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Be Independent For No One Else But For Yourself

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Ever since I was very small, my mom always told me one thing, come what may I must be standing on my feet all my life. Even before her untimely demise at 49 years of age the last advice she gave me was to under no circumstances give up my financial independence. All through her life her only agenda was that I excelled in education and make a mark for myself. There was perhaps a lot that went in her brain which she seldom burdened me with but sometimes I cringed under the immense pressure.

Almost 12 years later today I understand what she meant far more clearer than ever before. Unfortunately despite of trying my best I could not keep my promise to her and exactly like her gave up a wonderful career at its peak after sailing in two boats took a toll on my life post maternity especially the traveling part. She was a strong woman whose talks exuded wisdom and who had a very profound understanding of life, so she knew I may reach such crossroads in life, so she equipped me with multiple talents and the vehement urge to keep fighting and carve my niche no matter what I do, small or big and eventually sooner or later get on my own feet. Needless to say whatever little I am today is only because of her. No one can ever fathom what she has been through all her life and if given a chance I surely will write a book on her, I am yet to witness such an amalgamation of intellect and sacrifice, in my life.

When I decided to quit job for some years, I always felt that if I have the talent I will always bounce back with twice the vigour and the intention was never to burden my partner with my bills because one major repercussion of having a high profile MNC job for years is you become a spendthrift and it gets very difficult to curtail the lavish lifestyle. Luckily it never became a bone of contention between me and S thanks to us being besties of decades but I knew not for anyone else but for myself I must pay my own bills at least even if I am at home....for me making my own money gives me a different kind of a high and I die a million deaths if at all I have to ask someone for it.

Intellectually too after working across major organisations round the globe, to satiate my creative instincts, I started writing. This was absolutely not to make money but for my immense love for writing ever since I was a child. It relieves me and makes me happy till the present day. It’s my passion and I got so soaked in it that never realised when it started paying me. No doubt I make fair money through it, nevertheless writing is never a fixed salary kind of an income no matter how good you are at your task. Though my second love, my communication skills academy ensures that and I am glad I can pay all my bills and have a little extra too for the spendthrift me to engage in my tiny desires♥️.

This post is not tell if I make money or not or how good or bad a person who makes money is but to say how everyone, all women and men should be financially independent not for anyone else but for themselves. It boosts your confidence, self-esteem and your self-worth. You need not always have a big degree to make some money but the passion to pursue the craft you excel at and trust me after initial hiccups, hard work and sincerity are always rewarded. Financial independence makes you eligible to take vital decisions of your life yourself while if we are dependent on others they knowingly or unknowingly control our decisions and thus our lives too sometimes, which should not be the case.

Also, through this post I don’t mean to demean the stay at home counterpart of a marriage but motivate her or him to begin on his own from his home itself and don’t forget to have a long term vision. It truly will soothe your soul and appease your heart! My mom was right, no matter what, one must be financially independent not for anyone else but for himself or herself ♥️.

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