Wednesday, 13 April 2022

Kal Ho Na Ho: Live your today to its best because tomorrow never comes


Woke up with a smile today 

Leaving behind all the pain of yesterday 

Adamant to give my best shot 

Before heading for the surgery next month 

Went straight to my plant babies in my balcony 

And sucked in lots of fresh air from my greens 

After getting the Tiffin ready for the little one 

Sipped peacefully my cinnamon turmeric concoction 

I was supposed to be at the hospital today again for the 5th day 

But I didn’t go because the tests were making me sick 

I instead practised yoga and felt better 

Got on my treadmill too for a short while 

Pushing myself harder and trying to keep smiling 

Thereafter took a hot water shower

Between trying to run errands 

And having my breakfast 

My plan was to get back to my piled up work load 

Because being busy keeps me happy 

But something came up unexpectedly 

And I was out again 

Collected my reports and had a soulful lunch 

With my one though only a salad 

As that’s what my health permits 

Also in between peeped at the recommendations of alternate medicine 

Came back and worked 

It gave me such a rush  

The contentment and joy can’t be described in words 

I want to live my today to its best 

Because pata nahin kal ho naa ho 

Sorry I used a Hindi phrase

But these days to me it means the most 

Live your today to its best because tomorrow never comes

Hi everyone, thanks for dropping by, this is my seventh consecutive #BlogchatterA2Z as well as global #AtoZchallenge, and this year I am penning raw pure uncensored emotions weaved as poetry. I will so look forward to your feedback, please do let me know how are you finding it, in all earnestly. In case you wish to check out what I wrote in the previous 5 challenges here are the links for 201620172018 20192020, and 2021


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