Sunday, 22 May 2016

Ebook Release : Dare to Defy the Destiny

Hola my Precious Friends, Blogger Buddies and my Esteemed Readers,

You know how enthralled I am today, to pour out my heart to you, uninhibited, all emotions just oozing out in their purest forms as my first book gets launched. You are my family to whom I connect Straight From the Heart, who have given an all new meaning to my existence and help me sail towards my dreams, without faltering once .Yes, I owe my heart to you and what does one do at such occasions, run back to his/her family.

Writing is like breathing for me and probably the only thing I knew best from my birth but it was you who introduced me to blogging, appreciated me and motivated me to carve out my own niche.

Last month was absolutely fulfilling for me where I chose to speak 26 true stories of Beautiful Individuals like you and me as a part of a global blogging challenge. My happiness knew no bounds when you embraced them with open arms and graced them with your most generous words of praise, only to help me get better day by day. Some of your personal experiences you wrote to me touched me further as I became all the more motivated to become the voice of your heart.

When the owner of a writer and publisher community approached me with an idea of publishing the heart-touching stories as an e-book, I took a while to embark on the new journey and I am glad I did. And that is when "Dare to Defy the Destiny" was born. With stories of strong moms, soft dads, of adorable daughters and husbands, of Women on top to women who have fallen, you will find Brutal, Real and  Honest. The Idea of bringing forth these poignant rumblings is to let them reach hearts, and let our conscience judge, what is right and wrong, as it's we who comprise the society.
Once we are convinced on it, nothing can stop us from being the "Face of Change". 

Here's a little tribute to all of you for all that you have done for me over the years. It gives me immense pleasure to present you a soft copy of my Ebook "Dare to Defy the Destiny". I trust you will confer this newborn of mine with the same warmth and love, spare some precious time to read the same and do write to me your most genuine feedback to aid me improve. As I always say, I am indebted to all of you for being my worthy companions in my writing journey and all the words of the universe put together would fail me to express my gratitude towards you. Click here to make a copy all yours.

                                                                       -Truly Yours Roma

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