Tuesday, 26 April 2016

"W"ither away in Despair or Weave a Worthy Life, What's your Choice??

Year on year you withered my soul...
Only to make me hone the diamond inside me, you called the coal!

I firmly believe that no matter how hard the circumstances hit us or how indifferent  the society chooses to be, we are the master of our own fate... All we need is the will power of bearing the agonizing testimonies of time  

Radhika was born and brought up in a small town in Bihar and as was customary she was married at sixteen...in her baggage that she carried to her husband's home, she could not afford to leave back her desire to study further and fulfill her dreams, so she carried them too...After-all, dreams and desires don't limit themselves to the place you reside in...

Fortunately her husband had no objection to her higher studies and so didn't have to actually bury her dreams...in a big joint family of 14 members, she finished all cores before leaving for college and completed the rest when back..The idea wasn't welcome to some in the household and when she conceived, in the name of taking care of the life inside her, they stopped her studies...she delivered her first child at the age of eighteen... Though the world didn't welcome her princess really well as she was a girl child, her joy knew no bounds!

The fact that she had a daughter firmed her self determination and multiplied her will power further to fulfill her dreams and give her daughter a better world to grow up and live in! She resumed her education and completed her graduation despite of everyone hurling remarks on her... These remarks turned abusive when her second born too was a girl...as she has repeatedly failed to give the family their heir...She bore it all and wanted to rise in the power of education...Her strength lied in her two princesses and her always silent husband whom she trusted was always with him...

There was lot of antagonism against her from the society for reasons umpteen...the society which has not known to educate girls so much or rand to jobs and where delivering a daughter was nothing short of a sin...But nothing dampened Radhika's spirits..She knew if today she gave up, tomorrow her daughters may have to bear the same fate which was not acceptable to her under any conditions...

In due course of time she completed law and rose to great heights in her profession in subsequent years...She gave her daughters the wings of best education to fly freely in the kingdom of their dreams....Her refusal to wither under despair no matter how hard time and circumstances hit her, made her weave a worthy life not only for herself but for her daughters too ðŸ˜Š...

Today at 40, she is a high court judge     and one of the most considerate Women Rights Activists! 

I wish many more Radhikas take up this difficult course of life to make their lives worthwhile and be the Face of Change to the million others whose eyes possess the twinkle of dreams ❤😊

Author's Note: This Post is a part of #AtoZChallenge 2016 under my theme #FaceofChange

You may also like to read the earlier True Tales of Indian Women in this series, some heart wrenching while some truly inspirational but each giving a genuine lesson...

"A"trocities in The Disguise of Tradition : The Shut Doors

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