Saturday, 25 June 2022

Poetry Books in the Blogchatter ebook carnival to touch your souls: My Review

Poetry enthralls me, it touches the deepest chords of my heart. When nothing goes my way I turn into a recluse and indulge in the world of poems reading, re-reading them, and surprisingly finding a new hidden dimension to intricately woven words each time which amuses me and my meager knowledge. 

On other occasions, I weave poems to soothe my heart first and foremost, as my emotions are very convenient in flowing out as cascading words. I have penned 7 books so far and this year my first poetry book, SOFT STRINGS OF MY HEART has been released too. But let us keep it for later, let me first jot my candid take of the other significant poetry books released in the #BlogchatterEbook Carnival this year. It has been a privilege being a mentor for the 5th consecutive year and my heart’s joy knows no bounds to see so many young budding authors doing a phenomenal joy in putting together their first ever ebook and getting published all thanks to our very own Blogchatter.

My first pick is Dharma Artha Kama Moksha(Unveiling the feminine in verses) by Seethalakshmi which definitely stood out from the rest for me. Sharing below how I felt reading it.

Dharma Artha Kama Moksha(Unveiling the feminine in verses) by Seethalakshmi

My take on the book 

This book is charismatic and I feel I am in a different zone altogether after having delved into this very special ebook called Dharma Artha Kama Moksha(Unveiling the feminine in verses) by Seethalakshmi for the past few hours.

It is honestly quite a meaningful collection of poems under four diverse categories as the name suggests. The book brings in a lot of perspectives and I soaked into a million emotions as I read the myriad takes quite a few of them realistic and several others unimaginable. The book is written from an angle a common person may miss but not the wise author and the variety and shades of women just blew me over. 

I love the conceptualization too which depicts the deep knowledge and research embedded deep in between the lines. The quest of a woman is explicit in the verses. All the poems are worth reading several times and leave the readers wanting for more which I believe is a sure win for the author. I really congratulate her for her work and wish her several other fruitful literary writings in the future.

About the Book and Author 

We say understanding a woman is a mystery but do we ever give her the space to voice her vulnerabilities and accept her or listen to her sans judgment?

Bringing out the hushed voices in verses of honesty and mystery, this book unveils the vulnerable side of women, unapologetically.

30 poems penned under 20 heteronym characters, organized into 4 (chapters) stages of life- dharma, artha, kama, moksha, the poems explore a myriad of emotions welcoming you into the world of women. Composed of verses that explore a variety of poetry formats and literary devices, each poem is as unique as each woman and her experience.

Get to know the celebrations and struggles of these women in a way they want you to see, without the filter of patriarchy. Do you have it in you to accept them for who they are? If yes, then this book is for you! Seetha is an Indian homemaker with access to pen, poetry & peace.

You can grab a free copy of this book here

26 Verses And 26 Prose Notes on 26 Lofty Topics by Rajeev Moothedath

My take on the book 

First things first, I have been reading Rajeev for quite some years as a blogger and am always smitten by how he impeccably weaves his experience into words and that’s precisely what he does in this book. 

The book is unique in the sense that is a rare combination of the shortest form of poetry and explanatory prose. It is also a representation of the saying when there‘s a will there's a way. 

I came to know through the book that the author penned the 5 liners under pressing time constraints and those are the ones I loved the most as they gave vital lessons in life one must stick to. These can very well be hung in one’s room as reminders. I am sure you will enrich immensely through this book. 

I wish the author many many more books like this in the future for whom he surely will find a dedicated reader in me.

About the Book and Author 

The book discusses 26 important topics that impact our lives in a big way. The topics covered include aspiration, bliss, compassion, sleep, delight, money, winning, karma, trust, and many more. It is written in an interesting format of five-line verses on each topic followed by a brief note in prose. Readers can look forward to some deep insights from reading the book. M.N.Rajeev a.k.a. Rajeev Moothedath is a former corporate executive who is also a writer and poet. Rajeev retired from Hyundai Motor India Ltd from the position of AGM (HR) and is presently engaged in his twin passions of corporate training and writing articles/ poetry. He writes three blogs containing prose and poetry. His book in prose “straight from the heart –Thoughts and experiences of an HR professional” was published in June 2015 by His book “Corporate Poems- Straight & Simple” has been published on Kindle in December 2019. Rajeev’s poems have been published in a number of national and international anthologies.

You can grab a free copy of this book here

Realized Inner Voice by Richa Newatia

My take on the book 

This is a very realistic book that talks about several relevant topics pertaining to life and give sane advice. The author has experienced various sweet and sour slices of life at this young age and weaved them together in verses that give us thought-provoking lessons. It is a good first attempt by the young author and I am sure she has a long way to go. I enjoyed seeing her views through her eyes and really like her viewpoints. At her age, I felt her poems do exude a lot of wisdom and prudence. Well done, Richa. I look forward to reading more of your work.

About the Book and Author 

In this beautiful world, everyone is dealing with some problem. Some show and some hide it. This poem book consists of poems that motivate the reader to be okay with not being okay and bring them closer to themselves to take the necessary stand in life. It tells the reader not to be okay with failure and mistakes, to be judgmental, and many more problems in life. And encourage them to get out of the toxic relationship. All the poems are written in free verse.

This is what the author has to say about herself “My name is richa. I am complete my graduation in BBA - finance. I am learning content writing .I write one-liner and poem. I write what I feel and perception toward the world.”

You can grab a free copy of this book here

I enjoyed all the three above and recommend them to all of you for a quick immersive read when you want a break and since we are talking of poetry books in this year’s Blogchatter ebook Carnival, may I please take the opportunity to speak about my poetry book released here too,

Soft Strings of My Heart, My soul weaved into poetic florets by Roma Gupta Sinha 

About the Book and Author 

From the time I was about six, poetry has been my way of expressing my heart’s sincere yearning. I literally weave my heart in words because it knows no other medium to vent its deep emotions. This book is thus a piece of my heart shared with you all as poetic florets. Most of the poems here are standalone pieces written over a decade when I was experiencing a deep emotion and had no other means to communicate.

My poetic compositions give me solace, give me power and they give me peace. I write to empower myself, to proudly take every adverse situation in my stride. I wish they do the same for you.

This poetry book has 5 sections all of which have both happy and sad weaves in a random order basically portraying how I have lived my life so far and how I wish it progresses. I really hope you like these pearls I have strung together for you.

Roma Gupta Sinha is an acclaimed writer who has won the coveted ‘Woman of the Year' Award in 2015 for her writings on Women Empowerment, Equality, Rights, and Liberation on her blog and the prestigious ‘Planet’s Pride Award 2018’ for her entrepreneurial venture RCA where she has been passionately grooming six to sixty-year-olds for the last many years in her endeavor to give back to the society and aid in shaping the future of India. After a ten-year successful stint of working in Tata Motors, Honda Cars, and IKEA of Sweden in different parts of the world, she eventually embraced her first love of writing and is an author of six published books. She believes she is born for a purpose and yearns each day to be the face of positive change in the society she lives in.

I will await your take on my book. 

You can grab a free copy of this book here

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