Saturday, 9 April 2022

Health is the battle I wish to win


Got up in excruciating endometriosis pain today 

It has been five consecutive days 

The colicky pain is draining me and making me feverish by the end of the day 

And the painkillers are doing just nothing

I have fought all the battles of my life well

Whether I have won on lost 

But this battle of health, despite trying hard

I am unable to sail through it at all

Umpteen rounds to the doctor 

Have begun again 

An MRI is scheduled 

Which I am most scared of yet again

But I have to be very strong 

Another surgery perhaps they will plan 

This one is going to be a really major one 

And I have to be at the hospital for a longer time

I am ready to take it all in my stride

If the surgery can make the pain subside

If it can end my over a decade long battle with endometriosis and  Adenomyosis 

But the doctor says this she cannot guarantee

And I am again left in two minds 

To keep bearing the pain 

Or take the risk 

And get the multiple organs removal surgery done 

Because my earlier experience with surgeries has been extremely bad

My threshold to bear the pain 

Has also drastically gone down

I will have to really decide soon 

Wish I had somebody who can guide me through

With an unbiased opinion 

If you know someone who can

I will be really grateful  to to you 

For I deeply wish to win 

This battle of health

I love life and want to live a long life 

I wish God grants me my wish 

Hi everyone, thanks for dropping by, this is my seventh consecutive #BlogchatterA2Z as well as global #AtoZchallenge, and this year I am penning raw pure uncensored emotions weaved as poetry. I will so look forward to your feedback, please do let me know how are you finding it, in all earnestly. In case you wish to check out what I wrote in the previous 5 challenges here are the links for 201620172018 20192020, and 2021

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