Monday, 27 December 2021

How to choose a sustainable weight loss diet plan #HealthEducation

 In the present scenario and otherwise too, there is nothing as significant as our health. The sooner we accept this, the better it is for our overall well-being. Sticking to a healthy diet is the most important lifestyle change that enables us to stay fit. This is as important as regular exercise and for best results eating clean and mild workout in any form must go hand in hand. 

Last couple of years have been a revelation for me in terms of how a healthy lifestyle can give you unparalleled benefits. It was in Feb’20 that I took charge of my fitness and lost 22 kgs in about a year slowly. This was important as I had grown really obese post my endometriosis surgery due to heavy medication. My way of doing it was alternating between different forms of exercise and diets to gain maximum benefit. In this post today I share whatever knowledge and experience I have amassed firsthand. 

If you are healthy and have the right weight as per your height and age then eating a balanced diet is the best option as all food groups are vital for the smooth functioning of our body’s machinery. However, if you are overweight or obese the simple principle that shall help you attain your near ideal weight is observing calorie deficit in our everyday intake.

What does Calorie Deficit mean?

It means that the total number of calories you intake in a day should be less than the total number of calories you burn. This is the underlying principle of most diets that aid us loose weight. 

What is a diet plan? 

A diet plan is a scheduled diet customised especially for a person wishing to loose weight by a professionally qualified dietician. In practising calorie deficit is is important that the different food groups in our diet are rightfully balanced so that the essential nutrients and micro- nutrients are not missed. Thus, when going on a diet one must take the guidance of a good dietician.

Why do diet plans fail?

There are two strong pillars to get great results  in your journey to a healthy weight~Discipline and Consistency. Most diet plans fail for us while others reap benefit from them as we falter on any of the two stated parameters. 

So you must embark on the journey only when you are ready to give your heart and soul to remain strong in your intentions as will power is most crucial. Also, achieving your ideal body weight is the less difficult part of the journey, sustaining that weight is most difficult. But trust me it is doable if you make the changes permanently in your diet, make it your lifestyle. The added benefits will be you will start feeding your family too a healthy diet. 

What is keto diet? My experience

While a majority of dieticians rework your existing diet to help you transition from unhealthy to healthy and integrating calorie deficit there in, there are several special diets which work on exclusive scientific principles to make you loose quickly. 

Keto diet is one such diet. It is primarily a fat rich diet which discards carbohydrates completely. So our body uses its own fat as well the fat we consume for its energy requirements. Eating this diet puts our body in a process known as ketosis and so if you eat outside of the food items prescribed in a keto diet you body is kicked out of ketosis and you gain abruptly all that you have lost. 

So yes keto diet is super yum and makes you loose weight and inches really quick but then you must stick to it for a long term. This diet is sans any dairy and restricts most fruits and vegetables too and of course no carbs so if you are a vegetarian it gets a little more difficult for you. Another advantage of this diet is you feel a kick of high energy the whole day and most food choices are a treat to your taste buds because they are always fat rich. Cooking medium is mostly ghee or coconut or olive oil. 

How to choose a sustainable diet plan 

My experience after trying and benefitting from several diets is that under the observation of good dieticians you learn the best of several types of diet and what works best for you. 

Also, if you are embarking on the fitness journey diet and exercise need to go hand in hand for best results. 

Consult a dietician and they will guide you perfectly. If you have a medical condition, inform your dietician about it, they are mostly very well versed with what to and what not to give to eat. 

For a double check, as you get your diet get it cross-checked by your doctor if you can go ahead with it and get it edited by the dietician if the need be. 

I have done it when I tried Keto. This is an essential step and post this, you can just focus on your goal and you will embrace good health in no time. Also, mentioning below, certain pitfalls I have categorically avoided during my weight loss journey and it has worked.

10 Pitfalls worth avoiding 

1. Home food is the best, if you are eating out too frequently, it will adversely impact your health and weight too. Avoid eating out and if you do, take options from your dietician of what all options you can. Also, watch out for the frequency of eating out.

2. Restrict white sugar and refined flour and oil completely. 

3. Satiate your sweet cravings by honey or jaggery.

4. If you want to indulge some day in a cheat diet do watch your portion size.

5. Eat everything but moderation is the key. 

6. Quit alcohol and aerated drinks.

7. Don’t eat too late in the night. Dinner maximum by seven.

8. Satiate hunger pangs by cucumber or almonds or a walnut.

9. Let green tea come to your rescue exert time you feel hungry.

10. Tale care of your mental health.Any kind of stress shall hamper your weight loss journey.

Below are the other posts I had written in the #WeightLossWithRoma series that shall surely help you.

5 Weight Loss Fitness Mantras that aided me loose 20 kgs

Detoxifying Immunity Drinks for Healthy Weight Loss

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