Tuesday, 17 November 2020

5 Weight Loss Fitness Mantras that aided me loose 20 kgs


It feels so exhilarating having shed 20 kgs in 2020, a year all of us will remember for many reasons. Consuming hormonal medications for endometriosis has made me swell and I got trapped in the vicious circle of consuming them to relieve pain which in turn increased weight. 

Early this year I decided to commence my fitness journey despite all odds. Due to a surgery last July, my body couldn’t take a heavy gym workout and I had to abandon it the very first month. Luckily I landed on a great dietician who guided me in this weight loss transformation. I was extremely elated as well as surprised how well I performed and my body reciprocated so well to a perfectly healthy lifestyle. At not one moment I thought of giving up the hard work and dedication. It wasn’t easy though because my endometriosis pain cripples me so often. I am finally so happy to get back in perfect shape and nearing my ideal body weight. This Diwali and Karwachauth I donned sarees after almost a decade as I felt confident my fat was gone and I didn’t need to hide my curves.

On a daily basis, I get requests from all of you to share tips on what actually worked for me, and here I am keeping my promise. The 5 Mantras that have worked magic for me to lose 20 kgs in eight months are:


Diet plays the most crucial role in our weight loss management and believe me when I say this, I now eat much more than I ever ate before but now I eat clean and I always try to eat on time. I consume nuts, lots of fruits, vegetables, oats, quinoa, amaranth, cottage cheese, and several other proteins. I perhaps eat everything but in ideal portions and don’t do obsessive or stressful eating. I eat my breakfast at 9 a.m. and dinner at 6:30 p.m. and in total, I eat 5 small meals a day. 

You can check out my post: Healthy Weight Loss Diet Tips to know the exact details and timings.

Just remember what you put in your tummy determines how you look and how healthy you are, for me 70% of my weight loss is Right Diet taken at right time. 


It is also extremely vital to complement a good diet with any form of good exercise say 30-45 minutes a day. A brisk walk at home or yoga or gym or Zumba or Pilates anything you love shall stimulate your cells to lose weight appropriately.

 I do it come what may. It is compulsorily 5000-10000 steps for me every day along with yoga to tone my body and skin which has got loose by losing weight.

I have written about 10 Powerful Yoga Asanas for Weight Loss and Flat Stomach. You can read them here.

There is no substitute for hard work guys. You can also choose your favorite physical sport too as a form of exercise for your fitness or acquire home workout equipment from my list here. 


Our Sugar and Salt intake determines a lot of our body parameters. While eating salt in moderation is advised, white sugar can be totally avoided and substituted with natural organic jaggery or honey. I have given up sugar totally in the last 8 months and mostly don’t take salt in my dinner or use it extremely sparingly. I also use pink salt for cooking. Just regulating these two had aided me a lot on a healthy weight loss without any fad diet which I don’t recommend.


The balancing act is the most important thing I had learned from my dietician’s at Your Diet Lounge because it’s okay to indulge in festivities or birthday parties. We don’t have to forgo them completely, all we have to do is balance the extra empty calories we have accumulated the next day with a detox diet. I find this really great to cleanse my body too of all the toxins too. 

I had shared a great papaya detox diet that also helps me stimulate my metabolism when my weight gets stuck in my Instagram post here. My IGTV videos too have a lot of weight loss tips under the hashtag #weightlosswithRoma if they interest you. 

You can just have fruits the whole day, the day after you had partied and that would suffice too.


The point we often miss while trying to lose weight is that the more water we consume the better it is. It shall be all the better if the water is an infused one. Water is the magic potion for our gut. 

I take a lot of homemade detoxifying drinks for effective and sustained weight loss. I have shared the recipes here. Apart from weight loss these also aid in boosting our immunity and our overall health. 

Similarly, a sound sleep is extremely crucial for us to sail towards our ideal weight. Any stress or lack of sleep deters it. I always sleep early and get up early, my morning me time gives me the energy to remain active the whole day with a smile.

Now, all these points appear simpler to read but require an earnest endeavor to practice in synchronism but trust me it only takes a couple of weeks to get into the habit and once you get it the journey becomes worthwhile. It shall not only bring unparalleled benefits to you but to your family too in the long run. Losing weight is not rocket science, it just requires a sincere will and dedication to keep sailing forward despite all odds. 

Truly Yours Roma

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