Monday, 23 November 2020

Wonder, now on Netflix: A perfect amalgamation of education and entertainment for kids

Entertainment is as essential for kids as for us adults (It’s the icing on the cake if it has education integrated within). Especially in these times when our social life is almost zero, it offers a great opportunity to spend some cozy time with our little ones. But picking the right movie or series can be a tricky business. I personally love picking up something which entertains as well as leaves a strong lesson in the kid’s heart in this impressionable age. 

Luckily I have landed on some good ones in the past few months and today I recommend to you one such film which I still remember weeks after watching it with the kiddo and often comes up in our discussion. It’s the movie called ‘WONDER’ which released for the Indian audience on Netflix on 9 October 2020. This heart-touching film is based on the novel ‘Wonder’ by R.J. Palacio and was first released in America in 2017. Personally, I love book adaptations in movies and mostly I read the book before watching the film but not this one. 

Plot of the Movie

This beautiful soulful flick is a story of a 10-year-old boy Auggie Pullman who was born with a rare medical facial deformity known as Treacher Collins Syndrome. He undergoes as many as 27 surgeries to be able to see, hear, talk and smell but the deep scars on this face remain which he often covers with a helmet to prevent other kids and adults from getting scared of him.

Fortunately, he is blessed with a wonderful set of parents and elder sister Via, particularly his mother Isabel played by my all-time favorite Julia Roberts. She homeschools Auggie until he reaches grade five. But after that, keeping in mind how sharp Auggie is and his extreme inclination towards science they decide to admit him to a normal school which is where all hell breaks. 

Overcoming his initial inhibition, little Auggie ventures school where almost every kid appalls from his face. This movie is all about how he overcomes the bullies at school and several other difficulties and wins wonderful friends like Jack. It will be heartwarming to watch his journey as he bags the best student award towards the end😊.

5 reasons I loved it

1. The theme of the movie is beautiful

Yes, the theme of the movie is priceless. In fact, it is a perfect amalgamation of entertainment and meaningful education for kids. I got glued to the movie right in the first 5 minutes, the storytelling was so bang-on. It was ‘unputdownable’. My heart kept going on special children like Auggie and saw how he filled my kid’s heart in compassion for him. Children are such selfless and innocent souls. Despite his facial discrepancies, Auggie’s mom has brought him up so well into a little genius with a beautiful smile and forgiving heart. Auggie is an inspiration to one and all and thus I say this movie is a must-watch for everyone.

2. The direction and acting are impeccable

WONDER is directed by Stephen Chbosky and he has done a phenomenal job with the subject at hand. A rare subject as delicate as this requires precise handling and how I admire Chbosky’s work. His genius is complemented by seasoned actress Julia Roberts’ acting who looks so real in her portrayal of Auggie’s mother but the show-stealer definitely is little Jacob Tremblay who plays August or Auggie Pullman. The support cast and crew too have done a wonderful job and it won’t be just if I don’t give them a special mention.

3. Inspires acceptance for all

The movie has nuances and overwhelming moments that compel us to think and self introspect. It is a marvelous take of Auggie and Jack’s friendship too. What is it that Jack does that breaks Auggie’s heart and he falls sick? The emotions of Jack’s sis Via who never got their parents’ time and attention, did she love Auggie unconditionally or secretly despise him? You must watch the movie yourself to find out. To us, it deeply conveyed the strong message to accept everyone with their set of strengths and weaknesses with open arms.

4. Entertaining and heart-warming 

I have always been an ardent fan of meaningful cinema and this one shall top my list for many years, I am sure. Wonder is a heart-warming entertainer and Auggie’s smiling face keeps presenting itself in my dreams so often. Such is the impact. If you too value your time and want to spend it on something worthwhile, I highly recommend WONDER to you.

5. Educational Treat for our little ones 

In COVID times, this movie makes an excellent choice for giving a worthy educational treat for our little ones. Watch it cuddled with them in your blanket and enjoy their myriad thoughts on the subject subtly imbibing in them values of compassion and acceptance of all. It is vital for them to have such meaningful lessons in life early on. This is what evolved parenting is all about.

Truly Yours Roma’s Rating of the movie


Truly Yours Roma

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