Sunday, 26 January 2020

#MovieReview : #Panga beautifully inspires every mom to make her comeback

My starting statement for the review of this movie shall be every mom, every dad and every kid of today’s generation must watch this flick for the wonderful message it spreads. It is undoubtedly the warmest and meaningful movie I had seen in recent times and have to write about it to all of you. How I wish more and more movies on this subject were made and the message was sent deeper and deeper. Yes, 

‘No dreams must ever be crushed or sacrificed on the name of motherhood’

and I am not saying this for the heck of saying this but because I stand for this cause too. Have been there, know the pain and the feeling of seeing your intellect and experience rot over time and frustrate you. Why not rather do what gives you the greatest joy and the rest will all fall in place.

Since this movie is on women empowerment and then on sports both I and the spouse were keen to watch it at the earliest and I am so glad I did. I first came to know about it from #TheKapilSharmaShow and was immediately intrigued by the caste and the director and I have to say Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari has done a beautiful job with Jaya Nigam played by Kangana Ranaut, her husband Prashant player by Jassie Gill, her son Aadi played by Yagna Bhasin, her mom played by Neena Gupta and her best friend played By Richa Chadha.

The story is about Jaya who was on top of her game as the captain of the Indian Kabaddi Team when she embraced maternity and as her son had immunity issues she had to abandon her sport and do a ticket collector job in Railways. When her son turns seven and randomly misbehaves with his mom his dad intervenes and tells him about what she was. The son then plays a catalyst for Jaya to reclaim her way to the glory which in no way was an easy job both on the personal and professional front. 

But her husband’s unparalleled support makes her embrace the goal which once seemed impossible. The world indeed needs many many more supportive and understanding husbands like Prashant who listens, understands and then accepts her wife’s desire. He is an epitome of true love in the film. 

Why haven’t we ever heard of a dad sacrificing his career for the kids, is a question which lingers in my brain forever, why it always has to be the mom? 

If you have an answer do illuminate my knowledge. 

I so love the adorable family shown in the film. Yagna is impeccable as the kid. I could relate to each scene and I am sure many of you will find striking resemblances from your life in it like I did. The strength of the movie is this nitty-gritty and moments of love and friendly nagging of Jaya with her partner, with her mom and with her friends. I can describe them here but I would love you to watch and smile at them and not play a spoilsport.

The story, in general, doesn’t have negative characters barring the new Indian captain and the movie is about the protagonist taking panga with life and her dreams at an age of thirty-two when her co-players ask her to say buddhi in place of kabaddi and this undoubtedly is one of Kangana’s Best Performances yet again. She has actually owned the character and the film. Every single artist of the movie has done their job to perfection be it, Neena Gupta, as relatable mom or Richa as her kabaddi bestie. My only complaint if I had to pick one is the climax of the movie, as an audience, I was left wanting to see the ace player Jaya to show some extraordinary play before she emerged the champion again. Those scenes needed a keen and tight weave to have our hearts in our mouth as we had waited for them in the whole movie. The fact that the selectors pick Jaya in the national squad again to gain media attention as the comeback of a mom, depicts the shallowness of the thoughts of our society. 

You will find many such messages hidden in the film here and there aptly and above all I really hold this movie high because it inspires each mom who has abandoned a flourishing career to make the comeback and reclaim her lost glory or even start afresh if she hasn’t yet. This is the reason I say every mom must take a similar panga in life. We must give this one chance to ourselves and carve our own identity and that shall be our real tribute to motherhood, not our sacrifice.

I rate PANGA ðŸŒŸðŸŒŸðŸŒŸðŸŒŸ and term it a must-watch for all ðŸ˜Š

Truly Yours Roma

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