When I was born a female child
I was gifted with the silent onus of proving to the world that giving birth to a girl was not my mom's crime
The first realization of my childhood
Was to prove to the world I was a girl good
It was not ok for me to soil my clothes
Or scatter my toys when sometimes, to play, I chose
In just a few years, my little brother was born
I have to now prove to them, what a good sister I was, everyone warned
At that tender age, I probably didn't understand what proving oneself meant
But gently yet responsibly I held his little finger, everywhere I went
I grew up a little and the adolescent me
Was asked not to mingle with boys as what everyone will say in the society
I did exactly and mended a little girl's ways carefree
To prove to them that for me nothing is more important than the respect of my family
At thirteen, puberty arrived depriving me forever of my status of being a child
I accepted it well, proving to the world I was now a person matured
I completed my education with admirable grades
Proving to the world the money spent on me was not wasted
Though finding a dream job was a cake walk
I have to prove at every step of my professional journey, to my male colleagues, that my skill was at par with theirs
Eyebrows again raised when with my love, I tied knot
After umpteen years of successful marriage, today I prove to them love marriages too last
With no support system at home, when my little baby entered the world
I have to prove my motherhood by giving up all my dreams and ambitions
I did it all and for everyone around
Without a single complaint or sound
But the world is still not satisfied
They crush my identity each day with pride
After standing strong on the testimonies of time
And proving myself time and again
I am now tired of this Proving Myself game
Ending this perennial dilemma once and for all, I refuse to prove myself to the world anymore.
Please don't Judge me ,
I am what I am!
~An Indian Woman
~An Indian Woman
'Today on World Gratitude day, ironically though, I express my gratitude to the Indian women who continue to prove themselves from birth until death and are yet not able to satiate everyone around. Pardon me for my contradictory thoughts today, but I really wanted to bring this one up.'
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