Saturday, 17 September 2016

A New Perfect Address to Discover Awesome WhatsApp Statuses

I am undoubtedly a Techno-Geek who is on that side of the coin which represents the set of people who believe technology has brought us closer to our family and friends. 
I love every aspect of technology, may be it gives wings to the extrovert in me who loves socialising and connecting with multiple people at a time which also stands extremely justified for my passion of blogging that requires networking to a great extent. Additionally since hubby darling is on a global run always, my gratitude to technology only multiplies to aid me in catching up with him.

No matter in which part of the world he is, we are continuously on whatsapp talking or chatting perennially as is well known without burning a hole in our pockets. This soothes my heart and the agony of he being on long tours always pacified a bit. 

Otherwise too I love whatsapp and love to flaunt my current self through my Whatsapp Status which I habitually and happily change multiple times a day. Though more often than not I love writing them myself, lately I have developed a strong affinity to lovely whatsapp statuses at which are beautifully laid across more than 60 categories, easy to manoeuvre.

I love the Moods expressed through them and find them really witty or humorous or touchy sometimes. I always get a perfect status here for my mood which seems tailor made for me and I am happy to adapt it.

What I prefer about this site is they just not let monotony and stagnation creep in for they keep adding new crazy and awesome whatsapp status every minute for us to dig from if we are not in a mood to compose one ourselves.

And guess what if you are in a mood to write statuses yourself they even pay you for writing new creative whatsapp statuses. Isn't that a win win situation loaded with fun and some money-making too. All you got to do is login to this wonderful website which serves as a dual destination for getting the world's best whatsapp statuses but also become a part of these cute creations.

My Precious Readers, Its a pleasure presenting to you such nice and time saving websites. Do write to me on how to find them or if u have a particular request.

I am taking my Alexa rank to the next level with Blogchatter

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