Priyamvada loved to fly since she was small and that's her job as an Air Hostess satiated and delighted her...She was respected alike by her peers and subordinates...she truly felt ecstatic everytime she flew high up in the sky and was further proud of the fact that her liberal husband was the one who motivated him the most to pursue her dreams.
Parallely she was also a darling of everyone at home, always aiming at weaving and keeping the family together...When they decided to go the family way her mother-in-law decided to come and live with them...Soon, she was blessed with a baby boy..he looked exactly like her with blue eyes and fair dazzling skin and adorable features...anyone who saw the baby could not resist falling in love with him...She also hired a full time house help and after enjoying the maternal bliss for 3 months, she resumed work as decided...
Things seemed streamlined with all of them atleast enjoying the weekend together though the natural work-life juggle went on...Priyamvada for a soft mother who does checked on her baby every day on phone call, she we elated that there was someone at home in whose arms baby was safer than even hers!
She was oblivious of what the destiny had in store for her...when her son didn't stand on his feet for 2 years she really got worried as till then she has shunned the thought convincing herself that the milestones vary baby to baby. Thorough examinations revealed what no one could have even imagined in dreams...Rohan was diagnosed with Polio!
That day along with her don's ability to walk, Priyamvada also lost herself completely...The guilt that she was responsible for Rohan's Plight stifled her and she died every minute in remorse...She not hated her wings and chopped them immediately by biding adieu forever to her career.
In the daytime she now took care of her little one and in the night sobbed in tears of unending pain trying to undo the destiny...however as the little prince starting sensing her agony and despair.. She decided to put her pain aside and embrace happiness for the happiness of her family...
Time healed her wounds a bit ... Today Rohan is six and her second son Rayan is 3 years old..Both of them have now started school and their is a happy loving family with she taking utmost care of them...
But a question that never ceases to prick her conscience is that had she quit her job at Rohan's birth, her son's fate would have been different and he would not have to suffer with a physical disability for life. Behind her gorgeous smile, I can witness a deep remorse of a mother which feels that her ambition became responsible for her elder son's condition.No matter How many times I tell her, No, You are not guilty, i am not able to soothe her pain..
Was fulfilling her dreams her biggest mistake ? Should he have never chosen to fly? Why in India the last resort for all of us to rear our baby perfectly , is to give up our career?
Author's Note: This Post is a part of #AtoZChallenge 2016 under my theme #FaceofChange
You may also like to read the earlier 9 True Tales of Indian Women in this series, some heart wrenching while some truly inspirational but each giving a genuine lesson...
"A"trocities in The Disguise of Tradition : The Shut Doors
"A"trocities in The Disguise of Tradition : The Shut Doors
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