Thursday, 26 November 2015

Smitten by Smartphone Technology, We Technocrats now live manifold Smarter and Merrier

I Love life and live it to the fullest like there is no tomorrow..Also, I feel deeply blessed to have born in this dynamic era of smart technologies which add so much fun and support to our everyday lives...However,I was not been this badly smitten by the technology charm until a little while ago, when an experience of a lifetime made me such a devoted and updated #Technocrat !
..... It was the dark chilli night in Almhult , Sweden and I missed him so so much... I have been here for an assignment with Ikea of Sweden but that day on Karvachauth my mind drifted to his thoughts time and again..This was the first time in our happy married life, I have been away from my precious half on this day of so much significance to us... His smiling face kept revolving in front of my eyes... I have been without a morsel of food and a drop of water since morn and there was no way I could see the moon in that snowy night there to perform the fast closing rituals... I felt so morose , so pain struck and so lonely as my moon, my hubby darling , too wasn't with me and I missed his warmth and care to the extend no words can ever describe....chill and hunger ran down my spines as I paved my way lifelessly to my hotel room from work, barely managing to hold back my tears!
That was exactly when I felt life in my palm.. It was the vibrator of my phone... I glanced at it with the excitement and innocence of a baby only to see my love's pic flashing as he has called me ... Words fail me to describe how happy I felt to speak to him thanks to the smarter technology these days ! My Smartphone appeared to be my bestest friend at that moment and the seeds of my deep admiration to technology were planed firmly that day :)


But folks this was not the end of my "mere piya Gaye Rangoon, wahan se kiya hai telephun", tale, there is a modern day version to it fact this was Just the beginning!!
So as I poured my heart to hubby dearest, stating how heart-broken I was due to my inability to witness moon and him on Karvachauth.... he gave me his usual grins promising me that he needs exactly 30 minutes to fulfill all my wishes.... I knew he always kept his promises so super elated I rushed to dress up into my wedding trousseau which I have always worn on my karvachauths and have carried all the way from Gurgaon to Frankfurt to Copenhagen to Almhult with so much love❤️❤️
In next 20 mins, I was united with him across boundaries across oceans thanks to our Smarter Bestie again -our beloved SmartPhones... Yes in the before time Skype Call from him, I saw him with his priceless smile as beaming as ever, the beautiful spotless moon through the window and the Pooja Table lead with all the Pooja preparations done so impeccably...Teary eyed with joy, gratitude and love alike, we together performed the Pooja as he played the multimedia karvachauth vrat katha files in the backdrop...after it he made me drink and eat as if he was sitting near me... And we talked and laughed endlessly that night to our heart's content...The admirable 4G network gave us those priceless uninterrupted moments, forever etched on our hearts❤️❤️!


And since that day started my deep rooted love affair with the smartphone technology for I now knew what a perfect solution it meant to all your worries and can be your best partner in situation umpteen...I remember how it guided me from Airport to my hotel room in snow covered Vienna at 2 a.m. through it's Maps or helped me get into the right intercity trains in different countries!It won't be an exaggeration to say that this technology has turned some of my nightmarish experiences into beautiful memories!
As time has elapsed, my smartphone has become my 24X7 companion..right from going through the headlines, to taking a quick glance of the office mails on the move or catch up on social media, and most of all in keeping myself updated of the global trends and other vital information for my blog, my always updated, smartphone aids me multitask thanks to it's all powerful Octacore Processor!Whether it's a educational project or birthday party theme search for my little sonny or shop for an anniversary gift for darling hubby or capturing pics of our wonderful times together, my capable Android phone makes it all just a swipe away! I can truly say that me , my hubby and my little sonny today are a happy #technocrats family who use technology to make our life smarter and merrier with ample of quality time for each other ❤️❤️
On a wider perspective , the smartphone technology is in my eyes, the most potent tool to help our nation and it's youth(like me) evolve and march steadfast towards there multi-faceted growth and development and infact it is doing so, by leaps and bounds and the best indicator to this fact is that the 10th largest smartphone manufacturer around the globe is from India- Micromax!! And each Indian like me is indeed proud of it! I am an ardent fan of Micromax Smartphones for years now, owing to the fact that their fully loaded , most advanced versions too come at a very pocket friendly price..Something that gives me the privilege of updating to latest technology from time to time without burning a hole in my pocket!
Another Buzzword of this generation is #HighlyPersonalized, we go miles to pimp out our phones to our fantasies, to make customized mobile covers or even have a made to order/request ringtone from our favorite artist and I am one of those freaks too...
My unending love and admiration for my smartphones now keeps me on toes to always surf ,discover and crave for the latest and the most advanced one - weather it's a new Android Marshmallow phone or a miraculously new more capable camera, my heart skips a heartbeat every time it spots a new one :D....and Yeah, going to from where I started, we thus have a new Karvachauth custom at our home now - As a Karvachauth gift, every year, I now receive the latest smartphone , from hubby darling!! So now we #Technocrats, #TravelBindass and still remain #Togetherforever and #mostupdated thanks to the worthy #SmartphoneTechnology :) :)

I trust you enjoyed the read, Folks!! Stay Smart, today and Buy Smartphones!! 

-Truly Yours Roma

 © [Roma Gupta Sinha][Straight From The Heart][2015]Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. 

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