Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Heartbroken : Seeking Nonbelligerent Co-existence for Humanity

(written on 14th November, in the aftermath of Paris Attacks)

So much heart broken I am today, no words can ever display my dismay...
While I was busy narrating some lovely tales to the kids on Children's Day....

In another part of the world, some cynical fanatics were recklessly killing innocent souls
Gruesome Terrorism, all in the name of fake Religious Goals!

They have shaken the world by their heinous massacre,
I wonder how they face their mother after tearing apart another Mother's heart !

Giving chronic wounds to humanity with their heart-wrenching gruesome acts...
Sorry we'll never forgive you, until you cease the war within yourself and grant us our peace back !

Time and again, my heart goes out, to the beautiful Paris city...
and it's beautiful people, whose souls are today charred and bleeding...

To you our dears, we wish to say, we are with you in your pain and grief ...
May the souls of your loved ones, rest in Peace!

But it's also time that we stand up in unison against their threat...
And put forth the message we are "Not Afraid" !

United we stand against them all....
Heartbroken yet full of Will Power!

Let each one contribute in his/her own way..
by not being scared and challenging the inhumane!

It's time we make a vehement promise...
to ourselves, to weave infallible strength out of our tears!

Let all we peace-loving people be the torchbearer against terrorism globally...
And thus, together we can and we will, seek Non-Belligerent Co-existence for Humanity!!
I am #BloggingforPeace with my fellow bloggers, urging everyone to be the face of change in his/her own way!

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