Friday, 12 September 2014

Destiny's Chosen Child : My little ANNA ( Vol1 +Vol2 )

For You my lovely Readers!!

In this blog, I have combined the first two Volumes of your lovely darling ANNA, to give you a more sumptuous read at one go and feel more closer to her....She is you, She is me, She is everyone whose life has been a Roller-Coaster yet it is beautiful...So here goes the tale of the Tiny Damsel, ANNA....and you would know in a while why I Choose to call her Destiny's Child.....

Though born to a thoughtful Banker Dad and a prudent Mom, my tiny damsel, was chosen to be tested right from her birth..A thought that I am even hurt to write was so pro for her Grand-mom...His dad being the eldest of 10 siblings ANNA was this generation's first child to be born in the family, but alas her Grand-mom was so Grief - struck to see her. She hated a Girl Child.....was being a mom of 6 daughters the reason???

And I fail to understand, how can a girl herself, also a mom of 6 lovely girls, despise another girl, that too her granddaughter to the extend that she told her son to dump her on a Dustbin  and remarry???

But Destiny wanted ANNA to survive n so did her admirable dad..he loved his daughter beyond eternity, picking her up in his arms, he challenged his mother,that one day he will make his daughter what none of the son's of his family had ever become...That very moment my Anna's dad n mom left her parental house forever with their tiny angel, who meant their world now...

Oblivious of the fact that how hard his parents worked in the initial years, my Princess bloomed in the most secure arms of her lovely mom, though not for very long indeed..

DESTINY has struck again...Anna's Dad had big plans for her right from the formative years..n he stressed it upon her, by relating to her inspirational stories of some really great man n women...But the first step to everything was good education, n so she was sent off to her maternal Grandparent's home, as the village in which her banker dad was posted lacked even the primary education.

Though very little, she really felt deep, the pain of being snipped off her Mother's lap, to be on her own, at a v tender age..No doubt her maternal aunts nurtured her quite well n this is where her right  foundation to always look ahead in life, was laid...Though her heart often longed for her mom, she has decided in her innocence that there was no looking back...She started finding solace in her studies n books became her biggest companion..

In some time, her little brother was born.She felt ecstatic but was not allowed to go near him as she was down with viral fever...She wanted to play with her tiny sibling but kept quiet(though she was by now quite a Happy go lucky girl) for she has now began to understand the circumstances....With the birth of her little bro, the number of visits of her parents to see her, diminished.This was natural, but not to her as a 5 year old..Her fears worsened when she visited her home in vacations the next year but her little brother declined to recognize her or let her sit on mamma's lap....This incident broke my tiny darling's heart...She started to shun the idea of going home n gradually her interest in studies all other activities, an innate champion she always was, also begin to diminish...She started building a web around her which isolated her from the rest of the world...She felt her mom only loved her little brother n she is not her dad's princess anymore... This was too much for a 6 year little Anna was tormented,tormented beyond compare.... n she found herself lonely, v v lonely in a huge crowd...

Her dad was the first one to sense her agony, n he was shattered to see his daughter in so much pain..He immediately sent a Request letter to his Head Office seeking a Transfer to a City which had sound Education for his children, no matter how far off it was.In few months, he was transferred, to a city far down South...It took 4 days by train to reach there from Anna's maternal Grandfather's Place...Everyone felt it was too far off, but not my little darling, she was on Cloud 9... Her lost Zeal came back and she became the same vibrant girl she always was...She was so so elated to be reunited with her parents that she had tears of happiness rolling all over her face n a beautiful smile in her lips..

My Angel soon soared to the top not only academically but also in many Co-curricular activities...She was v sincere, v dedicated n always stood out of the rest..Her Focus towards her goals was impeccable and by now she has learnt to take many difficult situations in her stride..Her dad was transferred frequently ( probably because he always said no to bribes) and this made her v v adaptable n also multilingual...Life was almost a bed of Roses...

She was now in Standard tenth and was the apple of eyes of all her teachers who unanimously thought she was set to break all academic records in the Board exams...She worked hard n really hard..Her dad by now have been promoted to Senior Manager and has been allotted a 4 room mansion but she preferred to study in the Storeroom because it had pin-drop silence..Her concentration was beyond comparison always...Once it so happened that the mattress on which she was sitting began to burn due to the falling of burning incense sticks on it, right below her, but she didn't realize the same...only to be shaken up by her mom ....this amazing girl has gone crazy seeking her aim to get admission in the best school in the national capital, based on her merit...

But again, this was not what was Destined to be...All excited she went to get her board results..her exams undoubtedly went v well...Taking her mark-sheet in her hands, she fainted............Alas! She had secured only 46 marks in her Social Science exam, n thus secured only 86% marks overall in her boards...Her soul was traumatized, she felt it was all over n here fate was sealed..She locked herself in her room n wept n wept...her dad was heart-broken too.....but than, they decided to fight it out..they applied for scrutiny n filed a case in the High Court...It took a whooping 6 long months but the reevaluation brought forth the fact that it was a typing error on her mark-sheet n she has secured 96 marks in Social Science in reality...Her overall percentage now soar to 96% and now no school could deny her admission, which she truly deserved...She has now become the second topper of the state in CBSE Exams n took great pride in herself .....Her happiness was short lived though as it was mid-session by than and she could not join her dream school...But eventually she did manage to enter one of best Schools in India at Pilani on Scholarship, due to her Academic Excellence and was to go to her first hostel ever.

My Tiny darling has now grown up to a beautiful 15 years old young girl, ready to fly on her own..She bid adieu to her parents n her sweet little brother, to venture into her world of dreams...This institute opened her up to a new Universe..It had everything from Dance, Drama, Speech, Band and Academics,with the priorities being exactly in that order...My lovely sweetheart, shaped her overall personality here..She took her time to gel with with the kids out there mostly very rich n elite, but soon carved out her niche in their hearts...and was loved by everyone out their alike.

During this period, her relationship with her small brother strengthened too,and  they constantly wrote their hearts out to each other in letters, n longed to spend time with each other during vacations...She also now felt so much closer to her parents, as she began to understand their extreme sacrifices for her..All this kept her FIRE alive to become SOMETHING N SOMEONE IN LIFE N NOT DIE UNNOTICED...Her Goals were so clear to her always n she always worked most diligently to achieve them...She soon came out with flying colours in her 12th exams as well... being the first topper of her school..she automatically became eligible for higher studies in Pilani which she denied..n rather chose to appear in different competitive examinations...By this time her dad was once again transferred to a small town in a Northern state.

Her Hardwork paid off n this wonderful gal came out with flying colours with a All India rank of 328 in the Engineering Entrance Exam....She was mesmerised n basked in her glory... She now waited for the counselling for allotment of the colleges to happen...But Somehow Destiny always chooses to play hide n seek with her...She had to face the bare truth when her cousin, who has appeared for the same exam, called up to inquire why did not come for Counselling..She has missed the newspaper where it was announced...Heaven fell on her...She traveled overnite to reach the counselling Venue only to figure out that the waiting list seats were getting filled now..............

All in tears she looked up n said, " OH LORD! WHY ALWAYS ME " ...I have never seen her buried so much under despair...What happens next? Was this the end of her dreams, the reward of her hard-work for so many long years....What Happened than to my lovely Princess, did she survive d worst....To know it all, pls do check my next blog post , straight from my heart, for all of you , my lovely readers :)

 © [Roma Gupta Sinha][Straight From The Heart]2014]Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.


  1. Very eagerly waiting to know what happened next ....

  2. Can't keep my readers waiting Krishna, rolled out the volume 3 today, Enjoy Reading :)

  3. awesome naration it makes us eager to know wat will happen next

  4. Decision and determination were the layman and fireman of your train to opportunity and success in being the fist woman automobile engineer.......
