Thursday, 18 September 2014

(Vol3) Destiny's Chosen Child : My Sweet Little Anna

Hey Readers!

Greetings to you from the core of my heart <3

Heartfelt Thank-you for all the love and appreciation and connecting so well with my lovely Anna !!

Bringing to you, the third and the concluding volume of Destiny's Chosen Child...

All in tears she looked up n said, " OH LORD! WHY ALWAYS ME " ...I have never ever seen her buried so much under despair...But she yearned to fight out and not abandon herself to her fate...Ironically this time,her dad had a different thought process altogether..He felt that his little girl's missing the Counselling was an indication of the fact that God has destined something even better for her..And so he wanted her to drop a year and prepare for Administrative Services..ANNA thought otherwise... why should all her hard-work, always go in vain....Why is she always denied the success she has always deserved....these questions kept pricking her conscience as she ran from pillar and post in the counselling hall seeking advice from the different Engineering Colleges Representative Professors seated there in...But they were all tight-lipped as seats in most of the colleges have been allotted by than...n so they could not help her much......It was always 2 a.m. in the night by then n everyone was splitting ...

Suddenly than a Professor walked up to her in the huge counselling room..He has exercised his special veto power to grant her admission in his esteemed institute which was ranked 3 pan India, on account of her merit...he was indeed no less than an Angel for her...The branch she was force to choose was automobile engineering n she became the first ever girl to be enrolled in a mechanical subject in her college...My tiny Darling was happy though with a Streak of Pain in her Heart...

No matter what adverse circumstances arise, this lovely girl, has never learnt to look back in life...She was soon in the serine environment of her great educational institution, v near to Nainital and enjoyed the nature's touch immensely...This is when her love for writing flourished the most..In her late teens, she loved to express herself..Her writings were often a part of College Magazines and Boards and she was always very elated with all the acclaim she got for it ...

Her excellence in academics continued as she keep setting new targets for herself, year after year, stretching herself beyond her own capacities..She was self-motivated..but yes, she feared Destiny a lot , the fear to loose whatever she achieves in life, has sank deep in her forever..There was a change though, now she has decided to face the Destiny HEAD-ON and defeat her by her hard-work n dedication.

Time Flew,she was now in the Final Year of her Engineering ...This one was a v important day when the First Company Tata Motors has arrived in her college for Campus Placements...But my tiny damsel was feeling low as she has been informed that a core technical company would safely not recruit a female candidate...You know her by now dear readers, do you think this would stop her..She dressed herself up smartly and reached the Pre-Placement Talk venue...She listened to the team who arrived most ardently and chose to raise her voice when the forum was left open to raise queries...With due respect,she asked them to clarify if a female automobile engineer is as eligible to bag the posts as a male one..The jury than informed to her that their answer certainly is yes and this whole incident made their eyes fall on my most deserving ANNA.

After Qualifying the written and the Group Discussion rounds, she has a rigorous two hours of interview  with the panel from 12 a.m. to 2 a.m.......Contented with her first attempt, but sure that Destiny will choose to ditch her and God may test her once again....She gradually skid into her world of dreams, fast asleep....

.....To be woken up by the loud CONGRATULATORY Shouts of her Hostel inmates...YES, Her DREAM has come true, She has become the first Automobile Engineer to be campus-placed from her college that year that too with a whooping huge Annual Package....She was undoubtedly surprised for My darling ANNA has ditched her Destiny for the First Time n has eventually turned out victorious over her ill-fate...She pinched herself, looked up to thank Almighty for ending her Tests and ran to call up her Admirable parents.....She was truly Destiny's Chosen Child...
My damsel was so so happy, she was in Seventh heaven..
Her Dad's eyes were filled with tears, words failed him to express his gratitude to the Almighty....His love for his Daughter knew no bounds..he traveled overnight to meet her daughter and lifted her up in his still strong arms...
And her little brother was so ecstatic to hear about her sister, that he spent all his pocket money to distribute sweets among his friends...

So, All's well that ends well...My Little ANNA eventually materialized all her dreams...Her Focus, Hardwork n dedication to sail thru' the toughest times, became her stepping stones to success...She was happy, v happy and sailed ahead ,successfully thru' her life keeping her basic principles always in place, thus making Destiny her slave by her strong tools of Sincere Hard-work and Determination...She is undoubtedly "DESTINY'S CHOSEN CHILD" <3

I trust Folks, you loved my Anna's Journey.....Do write to me how you felt...

Those who wish to know why I didnt speak about Anna's MOM, that's because no words can describe her extreme sacrifice and love for my darling ... But I will soon do pen a Special Tribute for Anna's MOM <3 <3

 © [Roma Gupta Sinha][Straight From The Heart]2014]Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.


  1. There is no short cut to success ,a persons hard work n firm determination even fails d fate from doing any wrong .

  2. Every worthwhile accomplishment, big or little, has its stages of drudgery and triumph; a beginning, a struggle and a victory..........kudos for achieving it successfully...dear ROMA GUPTA SINHA...
