One may laugh at me
If I say my virtual world on social media and my blog readers
Are my support systems to a considerable extent
And definitely contribute towards my mental health sound
But it actually is the truth
I am so grateful to all of you
For giving me so much
Unconditional love for all these years
I wonder why social media is criticised so much
I have found friends for life here
Whom I have never seen in real life
But with whom I discuss every aspect of life
My blog is not only my breathing space
But it adds so much perspective
To the way I perceive things
Through the numerous comments from strangers I receive
I need to say this
Placing a hand on my heart most earnestly
Every time I have felt like giving up
And down and out
I have always been conferred with so much love in my inbox
From complete strangers to people I have barely known by name
To bloggers and authors who are now lifetime friends
Someone has always made sure
I don’t sink and keep sailing life’s boat
In real life I have found less people this genuine
And thus I call my virtual world my support system
The best thing is that I expect from them nothing at all
And still they always lift me up in multiple ways
Let me confess I smile for them each day
And pose for them to spread happiness and joy
They still read the pain in my eyes
I truly call them to me a blessing in disguise
Hi everyone, thanks for dropping by, this is my seventh consecutive #BlogchatterA2Z as well as global #AtoZchallenge, and this year I am penning raw pure uncensored emotions weaved as poetry. I will so look forward to your feedback, please do let me know how are you finding it, in all earnestly. In case you wish to check out what I wrote in the previous 5 challenges here are the links for 2016, 2017, 2018 2019, 2020, and 2021.

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