Monday, 18 April 2022

Peace in parallel universe

Today as I started writing in my happy corner in my bedroom 

I felt a strong urge to close my eyes and lie down 

I listened to my heart and did exactly that 

Gradually I have learned to respect those signs 

And I am so glad I did 

I experienced tremendous peace in those few minutes 

Almost as if I was transported to a parallel universe 

Free of all the troubles 

I could see a distant tree on a tall lush green mountain 

And birds chirping melodies all around me 

I kept walking towards it almost as if in a trance 

As rain drops drizzled on my face and all around  

I forgot that I was in my bed 

I felt I was physically and mentally there 

Gazing at the divine light 

That came from behind the tree, shining bright  

I felt God resided there 

He has called me to be with him 

And have a word 

There are so many things I wanted to talk to Him about 

But in that moment 

My mind went numb 

I was so mesmerised 

By the aura and the ambiance 

I inched closer to the tree 

With a wide smile, to be finally meeting my lord supreme 

With every step I felt heeled 

I felt He loved his people conditionally 

I walked faster

So wanting to thank Him in person 

Finally I took a sneak peek behind the tree 

And can you guess who was there, exuding the divine white light 

It was my mom 

Who now lived with him

There was no better joy than seeing her 

Spreading her angelic smile to her daughter 

I ran to her to hug her 

It had been sixteen years without her

She opened her arms wide 

And getting into her embrace was my only desire 

She was my first love, my last desire 

My peace, my happiness and the foundation of all my dreams 

Seeing her in front on my eyes 

Glimpses of our beautiful moments from the past came flooding by 

Mom, I called out and closing my eyes 

Ran to her with all my might 

The next moment I opened my eyes 

And I was in my bed waking up from the sleep 

Mom tell me, was it you really? 

Hi everyone, thanks for dropping by, this is my seventh consecutive #BlogchatterA2Z as well as global #AtoZchallenge, and this year I am penning raw pure uncensored emotions weaved as poetry. I will so look forward to your feedback, please do let me know how are you finding it, in all earnestly. In case you wish to check out what I wrote in the previous 5 challenges here are the links for 201620172018 20192020, and 2021

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