Saturday, 31 July 2021

Unearthing my precious jewels: My decade long writing journey at a glance


Hello beloved readers, this month August marks the official birthday of my blog baby and thus I felt it is the most appropriate time to look back at my overwhelming journey. Writing has not only satiated my heart to the core it has also enabled me to live a dream by penning 6 books in a row over the past six years. In this special series known as ‘Unearthing my precious jewels’ I will share with you some priceless anecdotes, compositions, and behind the scenes and also some titbits about my books, the writing process, the hits and misses…I will bear it out to you all uncensored.

I begin with how it all began😊.

When I had quit my dream job in Ikea of Sweden in 2011 because my little baby’s nanny had conducted a theft in my Gurgaon home and had fled, I had not thought what the insanely workaholic me would do to satisfy my intellect and hunger to achieve. It was a very impromptu decision. We even left the city and moved to Pune. But today do I look back and regret it? No.

I was perhaps destined for different things. In Pune, I commenced a new chapter in my life. I embraced my first love of writing and gave birth to my second child, my blog. I also felt strongly about the lack of communication skills in the Indian society which is such a stumbling block in the path of their progress, thus I also started my academy to groom six to sixty-year-olds in the same.

Along with all this, I was able to give my little man a decent upbringing, which is what mattered a lot to me, and spending time with both my boys charged me and aided me to do well in whatever task I undertook.

It was perhaps also the time when severe endometriosis symptoms started showing up but none of the doctors diagnosed them right and here today I sit a decade later with the disease aggravated to the fifth stage and my second major surgery due soon. But anyway apart from this I could fix everything.

Writing kept me sane whenever I was in pain. Women empowerment was the subject closest to my heart so I wrote on it exhaustively and worked with as many NGOs as I can as a freelancer to help the women in need in any which way big or small. Little ways to soothe your soul you see, to not let your life go in vain. One thing that always kept me going was my belief in the power of karma as taught to me by my mom.

In March 2015 came the first big turning point of my writing career when I was chosen to be conferred with the Woman of the Year Award by Glenmark at Leela Palace in Mumbai. I didn’t realise how huge it was until a chauffeur driver car arrived from Mumbai at my doorstep in Pune to escort me for receiving the award in a star studded ceremony and for the media interview. Those were the days were awards were like what they are today. This event turned the course of my life and I realized I was meant for bigger responsibilities. To be continued.

This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon 

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