Monday, 28 June 2021

#ChildrensFiction #ShortStories The Dream of An Innocent Pure Soul Part1

 “Do Dreams come true, Gran….?”, was something that baffled a tiny soul and he would often ask this to his grandmother at bedtime when every day she narrated him inspirational fairy-tales, albeit only the ones with significant life lessons. 


Sparsh was a kind-hearted and soft-spoken nine-year-old. He lived in the countryside far away from the hustle-bustle of cities with his mom and grandmother. He loved going to school and upon his return, he helped his mom as his grandmother was old. His mom was the only bread-earner of the family and weaved carpets for a living.


“Where is daddy, mamma??” the inquisitive kid would always pester his mommy when he was little.


“God loved him a lot, so he took him to his place.” His mother would search for soothing answers to prevent him from becoming sad.


Of course, as he grew up a little, he understood, he will never be back


Their cottage was in a secluded corner by the river so most of his friends resided at a good distance from his place.


Well, he did feel lonely at times but he had his ways to keep himself preoccupied. In his free time, he read some old tattered books which he borrowed from his school library. He used to sit by the river and soak himself for hours in the tales and his blue eyes gleamed with unparalleled joy.


He was a well-behaved shy boy always ready to help so whenever he accompanied his mom for deliveries or to take orders, everyone blessed him (they had no money but goodwill in abundance). Every time he spotted an old man or woman trying to lift something heavy or doing a labor-intensive activity, he would readily do it for him or her.


“You are a gem, little boy! May God, confer his blessings on you, always”, they would say with an overwhelming heart... To be continued.

Truly Yours Roma

'This post is a part #BlogchatterHalfMarathon by Blogchatter' 

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