Wednesday, 27 January 2021

Reading, an indispensable habit, we must pass on to our kids


I was four when my parents had to leave me at my maternal grandparents’ home. My banker dad was posted in a small village Masi in Uttarakhand. He wanted me to start my education appropriately and hence this heart-breaking decision for a tiny kid. I have very faint memories of how I felt then. All I remember is my maternal aunt who now lives in Canada teaching me the art of writing and reading early on to give me a way to cope up, vent my feelings and learn more about life. 

My mom who now lives with God used to tell me how I use to write beautiful letters to her by the time I was five-six. Surviving in a joint family of fourteen members where all other kids lived with their parents made me really strong. I grew fiercely independent and learned to stand up for myself and for others whom I believed were right. 

Perhaps all this power stemmed up from the tales I read. The books were my powerhouse of experiences who taught me my early lessons on how to act in a certain situation. Also, they engrained in me, what not to do. I read when I was sad, when I was lonely, when I missed my parents and perhaps in every other situation. If not reading I was writing. I felt blessed that I was allowed to issue a book every week from my school’s library. My teachers loved me a lot and I got a lot of timely guidance from them and from my maternal aunt whom I call my second mom.

Thus by the time I was taken back by my parents, as my dad has got transferred to a city in TamilNadu, I was a changed self, a self sufficient happy soul. I continued to live by my reading habit and I swear I continue to do so till present day. Books are my best friend. I love getting lost in the world a book weaves for us and delve into a thousand emotions during absorbing the weave. 

By God’s grace, I have developed this reading habit in my son early on and feel so good that he is a more voracious reader than I am. In the past few years I have built a library for him at home which shall also be my gift to my grandchildren along without my own 5 published books published all thanks to Blogchatter talking of whom, I am so delighted to announce today that this year I am participating in their #TBRChallenge and have taken a reading target with them. Isn’t it a fantastic way of keeping a tab on such a beautiful habit.

I believe reading is the best habit we must teach our kids and there is no better way to do it than to lead by example. It enhances their life experiences and helps them understand situations better. It sub-consciously improves their communication and public speaking skills. I believe in passing the wealth of knowledge and experiences to our future generations rather than monetary wealth. Give them the wisdom to make the right choice and be on their own. I reward my kiddo with a book every time he does something good or wins an award as nothing now makes him more happy. Honestly this makes me more proud and satisfied for I am doing fine on the goals I have set for myself as a mother. 

He has also taken a #TBRChallenge on Blogchatter with me and intends to read 20 books this year though I am not sure he can register on their website( will check with the team if his blog is eligible). He is done with 3 books already in 2021. You too can signup for this valuable challenge to get your reading back on track and yes I wish to reiterate that inculcate the habit of reading in your kids early on, that’s the best gift you will ever give to them.

  I'm participating in the #TBRChallenge by Blogchatter 

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