I am undoubtedly late in penning this one but that cannot stop me from writing on those selective movies I wish to give a place on my blog. Last couple of months have been very taxing with regards to a lot of significant decisions which needed to be made along with the recovery from surgery and both my blog baby and my baby, my son have been totally neglected. In fact signing up for my ‘My Friend Alexa’ was an attempt to give some focus to the former. For the latter, his exams ended last Saturday and I kept my promise of a movie date with him that very evening. We zeroed on Mission Mangal as it is a science non-fiction and is inspired by ISRO’s commendable Mars Mission. In the past too, I have meticulously picked up movies, which would make the kiddo learn something at this impressionable age as well as have some fun with popcorns in the theatre.
Honestly speaking the first few negative reviews of the movie on social media did damp my spirits for some time but then I decided to watch it to judge it. I am glad I did and here is a common woman’s review of the movie straight from the heart. Please not that I am not a person who will judge something by its shortfalls rather I will weigh it on its merits.
First and foremost, in my opinion, every Indian must watch this flick, to feel proud of our motherland and its phenomenal space missions so far. Especially do take the children of your house to watch this one, they have so much to learn, so much to enjoy, so much to observe and absorb here. We enjoyed every bit of it and were left hugely motivated.
The movie is about India’s maiden mission to Mars called M.O.M.S. originally, under tight resources conditions and by chosen few scientists with impeccable intellect and the desire to make things work no matter how hard they get. The climax of the movie where they eventually succeed after a number of hurdles, made each one of us overwhelmed and ecstatic. It was so involving each moment that we really wanted the mission to succeed at the end. It was a weekend, the theatre was full and everyone rejoiced in the moment clapping hard.
I particularly loved Vidya Balan’s beautiful portrayal of a worthy scientist juggling beautifully between her dreams and family. Akshay was as good as ever, I like his simple-heartedness in most of his roles. All other support cast was good, not overdoing their stuff, and there was enough dramatisation in the movie to get it in the Bollywood Commercial segment. Apart from one scene, where Tapsee Pannu learn’s car driving which only God knows why it was inserted in a mass movie, I liked the movie every bit.
The movie is also a fine example of socially relevant topics like women are at par with men at work, birthing a baby cannot stop a woman from achieving her goals, all religions are equal, a revolutionary task always faces rigorous opposition and several others, all packed well.
Appearance of P.M. Narendra Modi at the end of the movie further accentuated our emotions and we left with proud, content and elated hearts. Eventually India had embraced to make movies on worthy subjects with entertainment and educational value complementing each other wonderfully in suitable promotions.
Truly Yours Roma rates Mission Mangal: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
If you like what I write, you can grab the copies of my four published books here: The Fragrance of True Love, Destiny's Favorite Child, Dare to Defy The Destiny and Empowered Women Empower Women
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