Thursday, 26 September 2019

My(Roma Gupta Sinha's) 4 Published Books, For You, at a Glance

In 2014, I gave birth to my blog with a stringent purpose, I have always wanted to be the voice of the women around me whom I have seen crumbling under patriarchy and the unfortunate superstitious traditions in India. I wanted to bring their stories to light to prick as many conscience as possible and let the people understand their folly. This was the least I would do then for and be the face of positive change in whatever miniature way I could. Later of course after winning the coveted Woman of the Year in 2015 and starting my own academy I became a full time Women Empowerment Crusader. This is the major cause I associate my life with thus obviously all four of my books published so although of different genres have Women Empowerment at their core. These book babies are not only my assets but also four precious pieces of my heart. I have weaved them straight from my heart in the picturesque suburbs of my favourite city Pune which incidentally I am abandoning day after tomorrow to create a new life and a new abode at a new place. Since I always count my blessings as I move on, today I bring you a glimpse of these books of mine. 

1. Dare to Defy the Destiny (Published in 2016, genre Non-Fiction): This was my first release ever and is special in the sense that it brings forth 26 real stories of Indian Women who heart wrenchingly impact us deeply and inspire us to do our bit to bring about an era or positive change. I know all of these ladies personally and have promised them to do my bit for them to the best of my abilities. This, with a purpose book,  thus is extremely crucial. Though I am very bad at marketing, I have received innumerable messages from the people who have read it that they could find themselves or a near one in these stories and have absolutely loved the book and have related to every ounce of it. You can grab a copy of the same here.

2. The Fragrance of True Love(Released in 2017, genre Fiction): Come 2017, the passionate story teller in me wanted to weave fiction and out came a saga known as ‘The Fragrance of True Love’. It’s a tale of a very sweet girl Priyam who has a very traumatic past, thus she finds it extremely difficult to embrace the love of unassuming and caring Meer who fills all the voids of her heart. Well, a chicklet romance does really well in India and this book climbed a lot of best seller charts. What is important is, this book too gives a very strong message to humanity. You can grab a copy of this book here.

3. Destiny’s Favourite Child, Released in 2018, genre Autobiography): In 2018, one of my friends expressed him desire to publish my biography. I earnestly accepted his request and wrote for him. When my bestie saw the draft she was very sure that  I should be the one publishing my autobiography as first person and no one else, thus I took permission from the one for whom I have originally created the manuscript. That’s how DFC was born which has various unbelievable slices of my life right from the day I was chosen to be thrown on a dustbin as I was born a girl child to be felicitated with the Planet’s Pride Award in 2018 for my work. You can grab a copy of this precious piece of my heart here.

4.Empowered Women Empower Women( Released in 2019, genre Motivational Books): In 2019, my academy was high on women who took admission to give wings to their dreams no matter how difficult it was for them, they were ready to turn the tide of time in their favour and just needed the right direction to succeed. My only Moto was that as an empowered women I empower them by grooming them and guiding them towards their goals. In this book I have put together the real tales of such remarkable women who are an example to a billion others. I want every one to read them and derive inspiration from them. This is the reason I have kept this book free. You can find a copy here and also feel free to gift a copy to someone you know who would need this. 

If you want any further information on any of these books or want me to send you a copy, please feel free to write to me at or direct message me on any of my social media handle or a contact form on this blog.

Truly Yours Roma

If you like what I write, you can grab the copies of my four published books here: The Fragrance of True LoveDestiny's Favorite ChildDare to Defy The Destiny and Empowered Women Empower Women

I am taking my blog to the next level with Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa

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