Wednesday, 14 August 2019

Boost your blog and take it a notch higher with #MyFriendAlexa

Many years ago, cajoled by a dear friend, I started my blog with the name ‘Straight From My Heart’. True to its name it was all about me penning all my thoughts down in it straight from my heart. This was all I knew about blogging then. I shared it with my friends and relatives on FB or via email and there appreciation as well my own contentment to having expressed myself was enough for me. 

There was nothing professional about it nor was monetisation a goal. I did create content for websites but that has nothing to do with my blog. I did a lot of work but had no clue about my reach or SEO. I had a dedicated set of followers and their love would satiate me.

In a couple of years it got better and I ended up working with some good brands but the upward progression was as slow as a snail.

In next few years I upped my game with Blogger Support Platforms like Indiblogger and Blogadda and thought my world expanded a bit after I purchased my domain name.

But the eureka moment for me was when I first came across Blogchatter in early 2016 for the A to Z Challenge. I had never realised then, how through them, I took my first steps into professional blogging. From something as trifle as having my blogging calendar set for next two months to publishing my 4 books with them in ebook carnivals through their 4 seasons of A to Z challenges they have aided me evolve to perfection in every way they could and can I be more grateful. They taught me brand building and I rechristened my blog baby. They were and still are my torchbearer and a guiding light in the right direction.

I am saying this for the umpteenth time that what I love the most about Blogchatter is their wonderful vision for the community always which has never gone wrong till date. Thus I have looked forward to each of their campaigns most sincerely and have reaped great benefits not only in terms of making my blog soar higher and higher in stats but also in terms of individual growth.

One of their most successful campaign ever is #MyFriendAlexa which aids in making our blog soar higher in terms of a global metrics called Alexa Rank by giving us a wonderful readership as well as our work getting global exposure. 

This is my fourth consecutive year in #MyFriendAlexa and I know if done religiously it is the biggest boost we can give our blog and I am ready to take the plunge despite of many other critical preoccupations this month.

 In this campaign, all you got to do is publish biweekly entire September and read and share the 10 blogs you are given each day, yes that simple. You will get all support from your exclusive whatsapp groups.

At the end of the month you will be amazed to find out how many wonderful writers have become your friends and have enriched you multi-dimensionally apart from the stats of course. 

It is a campaign where you have no loss and all gain as it gives your back your mojo to write and read religiously. Both these skills are vital for a professionally evolving blogger. 

Like A to Z challenge, you don’t need a theme here or start from an alphabet, all you need is to create good content to retain your readers, read good content and spread good content by sharing it. 

If what I have written above has struck a chord with you, I will recommend that you join the campaign by clicking here. The last date arrives soon so you got to hurry.

Also if you are a blogger and not a part of our Blogchatter family yet, do join it now by following Blogchatter on Twitter and I promise you will only thank me later for it!

Truly Yours Roma

If you like what I write, you can grab the copies of my four published books here: The Fragrance of True LoveDestiny's Favorite ChildDare to Defy The Destiny and Empowered Women Empower Women

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