Tuesday, 21 May 2019

In Seventh Heaven as my Fourth Book ‘Empowered Women Empower Women’ Gets Published

Top post on IndiBlogger, the biggest community of Indian Bloggers
Roma Gupta Sinha

Every effort becomes worthwhile if you have a beautiful purpose associated with it. I was four when I started writing. It came naturally to me perhaps because my mum was a writer and orator. I found deep solace in writing. Writing felt like breathing to me. No matter how adverse the situations became I penned it in my diary and attained peace. As I grew up atrocities on women around me bothered me deeply and I wanted to do something for them even if it was really trifle. The easiest was to be their voice and bring out their pain to the world and awaken people’s conscience to end their ruthless oppression, to be a face of positive change and contribute to their upliftment. I thus commenced my blogging journey in 2003, fresh out of an engineering college. 

For over a decade I worked in  twenty two countries with quite a few MNCs amassing immense knowledge and experience but never gave up my first love of writing. Whatever I wrote struck a chord with many and I eventually embraced my love for writing and public speaking full time by starting my own academy for six to sixty year olds to aid them bridge the gap between their intellect and expression.

My first book which was  published in 2016 was the voice of 26 such women yearning to evoke an era of positive change, it was called ‘Dare to Defy The Destiny’. It was a poignant book which expressed the mental and physical agony the Indian women go through. The book got heart-touching reviews from one and all nationally and internationally and that inspired me further. I was elated that I was on the right path. Awards like Women of the Wear 2015 and Planet's Pride Award 2018 helped me broaden my envision and expand the arena of my work.

I consequently started a section in my academy, which supported these women to stand on their feet to the best of my abilities. This brought me in touch with so many inspirational women and it was exhilarating to be a part of their journey. I was thus convinced  to bring their stories forth to motivate many like them sailing on the same boat and make these empowered women empower other women by leading as example.

This is how my latest and the 4th book 'Empowered Women Empower Women' took shape and I am so proud that it is released yet again in the coveted Global BlogChatter Ebook Carnival. It is every ounce or pure truth and deep inspiration.

This is a book with a strong purpose as I am a crusader and firm believer of Women Empowerment for years and I wish each one of you read it and feel inspired and take the mandatory steps to be the ‘Face of Change’ in the right direction.

You should read it to discover how many beautiful souls around us lead by example for other women to overcome all the adversities of life and fulfil their dreams.

You should read it to fathom why we have to empower the women of today to enable them further empower the women of tomorrow.

Also, you should read it to stimulate yourself to make your contribution towards achieving gender equality in our society.

You can download it's limited edition promotional e-copy is available by clicking here.

I hope reading it will be as much an enriching experience to all of you, as it was for me,writing it. Your precious feedback shall always be awaited.

Click here to read the reviews of my 4th book, the fourth precious piece of my heart for you with a deep sense of purpose.

Truly Yours Roma

Copyright © 2014-2019 by Roma Gupta Sinha
All rights reserved. This article or any portion thereof
may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever
without the express written permission of the author

If you like what I write, you can grab a copy of my 3 published books here The Fragrance of True LoveDestiny's Favorite Child and Dare to Defy The Destiny

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