Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Delights and Dilemma of Being A Mom

Top post on IndiBlogger, the biggest community of Indian Bloggers

Contd from Part1,  2 and 3 here.

Yes, it indeed was love at first sight. The gynaecologist took about 6 minutes to perform the C-Section and announce it was a baby boy, I was sweetly surprised how quick this could be. Me and S both cried to get the first glance of our precious little though both of us thought it would be a baby girl and so were ready with only the she names(really bad on our part). All the pain of the complicated pregnancy due to 2.5 times the normal amniotic liquid vanished in a flick of a second.

I didn’t know that day a new Roma was born, far more soft, far more patient and far less ambitious. Immense love and warmth just oozed our of me in infinite proportions. The perfectionist that I always am, I took great care of my little bundle as we were routinely discharged the 3rd day from the hospital. On the 13th day after my baby’s birth I left for my inlaws' town, Allahabad, for the necessary prayers and ceremonies. I was there for about one and a half month and saw that my baby cried a lot and was loosing weight (For the first time I didn’t look Destiny in her eyes and tried to evade it this was not about me but my little heart).

So upon my return to Gurgaon, I immediately met Dr. Sanjay Wazir, head of Neonatalogy in Apollo, who was his paediatrician at the time of birth and a real gem. Master of his craft, I knew I can trust him blindly and he was quick in diagnosing that the child is Lactose Intolerant. In simple terms, his body wasn’t producing the enzymes which can break down lactose sugar present in milk so he will be on mom’s feed if mom gives up dairy and dairy products completely or Soymilk formula. I chose the former.

During all this while when I was on maternity leave I worked from home for I owed it to my employers who have stood by me. I also resumed work on the stipulated date and used to come back twice from work to feed the baby and for this reason I have rented a flat just adjacent to my office. I worked from 6 to 4 and my husband 12 to 10 so it worked out comfortably though the nannies kept changing. It was difficult when I had international travel schedules and have seen on webcam how my 5 months old fell and cut his nose late night and the hubby himself crying seeing him.

Nevertheless, I was a strong girl who felt weak during such instances. I loved my baby and I loved my work, juggling between them I totally forgot the other man in my life, my precious half and whom I had loved crazily till this tiny man took my world for a toss. He felt it but never expressed it. This is probably the biggest disadvantage of being an extremist like I am, I focus all my love and attention on the person or thing on my mind at a point of time and the rest of the world feels ignored though I don’t mean it. Though S is an exceptionally good dad, this behaviour of mine, yes my ability to love to extremes made him vary of not having a second child. I loved him deeply, he knew it just that my body gave up donning several hats.... Part5

To be continued in the next chapters of #SlicesofLife Series on #TrulyYoursRoma in #AtoZChallenge this April.  I am writing on some extraordinary slices from my ordinary life.

Thank you so much for all the love and support you have always given me. Truly Yours Roma is nothing without you! 

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