Thursday, 18 May 2017

Reflections AtoZChallenge : I Set A Goal And Yeah My Second Book Is Releasing Soon

Indian Bloggers

Blogging is an erratic journey and you naturally tend to get lost in the huge ocean of capable and impressive writers if you don't keep your head firm on your shoulders and keep yourself motivated to create something unique to touch the hearts of your readers as well satiate your soul. Plus it is important to have a direction where your blogging is heading and to have goals for your writings. Goals both in terms of the quality you produce and also the quantity in terms of how to maximise the reach of your posts.

No matter how much gyaan you assimilate from your friends you get the real gauge of the situation when you dip in it and either learn to swim or drown and fade away.

Last year as I embraced the coveted #AtoZChallenge I set my first sincere goal of bringing forth 26 true tales of Indian Women evoking an era of change. They were widely appreciated and took the form of an  Kindle ebook which still sells steady on Amazon. Though I had won more than a dozen blogging contests before it, my real recognition came from these twenty six heartfelt renditions talking of women empowerment and liberation which helped in shaping my identity in the blogosphere.

The A to Z Challenge gave me the dedication to fulfil my dreams of being the voice of Indian Women and also gave me the global reach and if you are wondering why I am talking of last year, here's the reason why. Last year's success, blew away layers of dust from my long cherished parallel desire of attempting an eternal Love saga in the form of a novella for I had a strong belief in my story telling capabilities though so far I had mostly played in the non-fiction genre. And yes eleven months ago, I made up my mind to penning a serialised fiction for my #AtoZChallenge in 2017.

Fast forward to the last day of March this year, pressing circumstances forced me to initially think of abandoning the opportunity. I saw my blogger friends theme reveals and rejoiced in their planning with scheduling the posts well in advance....and then suddenly on 1st April I wrote my first introductory post of my novella with absolutely no drafts at all but with the characters only built strong in my head and nowhere else.

An unknown force kicked me out of my slumber and then there was no looking back from there. I wrote every morn at sharp 9 a.m. unfailingly for the characters played havoc in my mind until I brought them to paper. The urge was so strong that despite I met with a serious accident with my face and right hand burnt badly right in the first week of April, I didn't give up. The reason probably was was the appreciation I received for the narration and the story line right at the start. Also, since I knew my goals well in advance and I always love inching close to them despite of the circumstances, without a doubt I sailed ahead.
I wrote close to a thousand words each day and just went with the flow, though I admit I would have spent more time editing but I rather preferred reading my wonderful co-Bloggers who were also participating in the challenge. It felt like family with them and with my loyal readers who accepted my maiden serialised fiction attempt with great love. The month was amazing which also gave some wonderful friends of a lifetime.

Thanks to this awesome challenge and the constant support of team Blogchatter, on 1st May I had the manuscript of my first novella in my hands and as I thoroughly revisited it many times, I admit it was a crude first draft albeit of a beautiful eternal love story. I spent the coming two weeks editing and shaping it into a profound book after uncountable rounds of edits and it shall be available in print as well as ebook versions very soon.

This is an earnest note of gratitude to all of you from Truly Yours Roma, straight from the heart and I wish you will embrace my book with open arms too and shower it with buckets of your love like always.

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