Tuesday 14 February 2017

My Unparalleled Love For My Blog ❤❤

Indian Bloggers
I take the baton of Blog Love from Srikanth.

I owe my heart to my blog, it is truly the voice of my soul and no words can ever aid me express what it means for me and how my love for it is unparalleled. Little did I know two and a half years ago that it will become so vital to my life, when I gave up my career at its peak to accept a full time mommy role.
Though I have been writing for infinity, I thought this was the best time I poured my heart out in my sacred space, my blog which I term ~Truly Yours Roma as most of the women centric write ups I present here are true tales of Indian fairer sex which must be brought forth to prick as many consciences as possible. I weaved these Tales straight from the heart on my beloved blog and candidly endeavour they make a contribution in improving the society we live in no matter how small or big it is.

My love, my blog soon reciprocated all the sincerity and dedication I gave it and returned back the love. I was chosen as the recipient of the ‘Woman of the Year’ Award organised with VWoman Community of Glenmark and was conferred the same in Leela Palace Mumbai in Mar'15. The fact that I was on the right track satiated my heart and I expressed my love to the blog for being a genuine partner in fulfilling my dreams and getting my writings a recognition so early. It has unknowingly begun to shape me and my aspirations and I now shouldered a bigger responsibility.

'My beloved blog, from a workaholic corporater who worked 22 hours a day, to staying at home and losing my identity in the mundane cores, you held my hands firmly and did not let my sheen die away. In the worst of situations I poured my heart out to you, you became my venting space, you heard it all and stayed with me till I was calm.
You integrated me with my precious readers whose appreciation made me work harder. You conferred me opportunities to weave and integrate with some worthy gems of the blogging world and build relationships of a lifetime.

You brought me opportunities, awards and recognition from IndiBlogger, Blogadda, MyCityforKids, Aviva, Everscoop, Baggout etc. and forever remained by only ray of hope in  difficult times or whenever I lost focus. But you never left me aalone nd continue to be my greatest strength till present day. 
Last year, you introduced me to the wonderful Blogchatter Community and my first ebook 'Dare to Defy The Destiny' saw the light of the day and I value my association with them. 
It feels so great when people recognise me by your name today, you are such an inseparable part of my identity. Just a couple of days ago, at a big event, people didn't identify me as Roma but when I mentioned I blog at Truly Yours Roma, they immediately recognised. It made me ecstatic to witness you become the face of my voice. I wish I take you to the greatest heights and carve a success story for you never heard of before. May we remain together forever. I really find you so adorable and will leave no stone unturned ever to nurture you, groom you and improve you to the best of my abilities. Undoubtedly I love you to the Moon and Back. Earnestly I love you the most...Yes, I do!’

I pass the baton of blog love to Jaibala.

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