Monday, 14 November 2016

All for the Love of Treks

There are some memories which are forever etched on your heart because they have contributed in defining what you are today. They have aided you in enriching yourself and embark on a motivated journey of self-improvement. Am penning today about my first ever trekking expedition whose memories always stay afresh in my heart.

My love for Treks dates back to 2004 where quite unlike me I went for a 8 days Trek with TSAF (Tata Steel Adventure Foundation) lead by Bachendri Pal as part of my GET Program. Being pretty much a book work all through my life trekking was the last thing on my mind and I was skeptical until the last minute and trust me had it not been compulsory for us to develop certain skiĺls Tata's wanted us to inherit before we took up responsible roles in the organization, I would have abandoned it the last minute.

But surprisingly this became one of the most self-awakening trips of mine till date. For one I realized it was not the test of my physical endurance but a rest of my mental strength. It was a trek to Darwa Top in the foothills of Uttarkashi and we have set our base camp by the side of a serine giggling river..

After a day of acclimatization and warm ups, we packed our wreck sacks and tents and started the expedition in 4 groups of 6 each lead by mountaineering instructors  who were very well experienced. The climb was steep and slippery and it was freezing cold. I clearly remember our group instructor was Mr. Arvind Sherpa saved my life at least twice during that treacherous climb. He is a true gem who did not let us abandon the spirits till we reached the peak ( It’s an absolute pleasure witness him still living his passion and grooming children in mountaineering and life skills).

We crossed various rivers, rocky terrains and high mountains on the way tenting and cooking in nights. There were many team building and leadership challenges thrown to us enroute which only left us more enriched and thoughtful and considerate for each other. Though my knee was terribly bruised and my sleeping bag wet, as time progressed I felt a strong power developing in me. Though physically each day I was loosing power, it was my inner strength that was rising to the occasion and aiding me pull through each job and not give up. I have never experienced it before and it was like a wonderful gradual self-awakening.

This was also the time I spoke the most to myself. I penned my diary and long poetic compositions each day in the serine lap of mother nature. I enjoyed the music of the rivers cascading down from the hill. After a hard day of climb relishing a corn cob draped in local herbs satiated my soul like nothing before. It was so pure outside and I felt the same purity inside.

Every sunrise was as beautiful as a zillion words of the universe fail me to describe. Its Divine rays are what I held on while climbing the most difficult last 3 hills where a wrong step can land you in nothing but death. And aahh reaching the top was pure ecstatic joy like never before. It was a tearful pure moment when tired we jumped madly, danced and posed with each other. 

The feeling that all of us had made it and that it's all of us who have helped each other achieve it has weaved us in a beautiful bond forever no matter where we work or love today and yes trekking thereafter has become my first love and I recommend everyone to try it at-least once. I am soon commencing my treks to Mount Everest Base Camp which is truly a dream for every trekking lover and I am so glad it is all wonderfully arranged and set thanks to Mojhi' s who got me the best quotes among different operators and then helped to book everything online on a finger's click. Thank You MOJHI, I am super-elated.

                          Copyright ©2016 Roma Gupta Sinha 

This Post is also linked to  NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month) which challenges you to a blog post every single day in November. Publish posts daily, meet other bloggers, and try something new.  

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