Monday, 12 September 2016

Love is in the Hair 😊 (Salon Nahin Livon Giveaway and Review)

Surprises are Awsome
I truly believe a girl's hair are one of her most precious assets and each one of us undoubtedly likes to maintain them and style them in a perfect state. While the everyday hustle bustle of life leaves us with almost no room to nourish and nurture our tresses, our job desires us to look perfect and presentable always with our hair being a significant part of our personality. 

As if the rising pollution was not enough, stress too is contributing in the weakening, drying and tangling of these lovely strands on our head which enhance the beauty of a woman. 

Well, though visiting a Salon each time to get them back in adequate shape will burn a hole on our pockets and is far from feasible in the time constraints, we cannot ignore the fact that a proper hair care regime is essential for each one of us.

I really love my hair for they define me and my mood. I take proper care of them, nourish them with rich oils, wash them preferably with water at room temperature and never towel them harsh. Though I love styling my hair differently each day, I restrict the use of blow dry for the safe as they are know to weaken the roots of our hair.

Instead the mantra I use to de-tangle, silken and set my hair in a particular style is the use of my forever trusted Livon Hair Serum. My association with this awesome product dates back to several years ago, when my mom introduced me to it, stating that she won't be there in my hostel to de-tangle and groom perfectly my long tresses and so I must apply Livon and I was really elated at the results for it absolutely minimized my hair breakage too.

Livon Hair Serum is un-disputedly an essential part of my vanity today. While I apply it on my shampooed towel dried hair while going to work, on vacations or elsewhere and style my silkened hair anyway I desire them to, even if I am in the field, experiencing a bad hair day, I apply it on my lifeless hair to give them nourishment to bounce back desirably.

Livon time to time comes up with further advancements to its existing range and it was pleasure receiving a lovely hamper from them a little while ago which stole my heart at its first glance for it not only comprised of my all time favorite Livon Serum with its Vitamin E enriched, all new light weight formula, to perfectly manage my frizzy hair but also a beautiful floral Tiara to make me feel like a princess and an awesome hair brush to gently caress and pamper my hair post the magical serum application.This truly made a wonderful surprise and I felt loved to the core. 

The Lovely Livon Hamper
The application of this new formula which comes surprisingly at a very very decent price( INR 215) for the next couple of weeks made me realize it's prowess in hair care all the more enhanced and I absolutely loved my look after the fortnight of application of the same( well gals I could not post the before pic as I have been using this rocking serum for over a decade now)... Sach mein I really needed #SalonNahinLivon to create the marvelous Salon like finish at home.

The Princess in Me Caresses by Livon's Tender Hair Care
Voila and here comes a Bada Waala Surprise for all of you . Since I am sure you too would love to experience such awesome frizz free silk hair with Livon. Thus, we are giving away two of these awesome hampers to our readers through our #SalonNahinLivon Giveaway right here..

All you got to do is just share this post on your social media channels with hashtag #SalonNahinLivon and after that mention your name in the comments section below and woohoo who knows you might be one of the two lucky winners to take home this astoundingly awesome Livon Princess Hamper for yourself or the lady in your life. Contest ends Soon (19th Sept 2016) !All the best guys :)

I am taking my Alexa rank to the next level with Blogchatter

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